Louis just kept looking out of the window. Sometimes the carriage would stop and pick up more students, but each one kept finding a booth of their own to sit at. He wondered if that's how the administration of the school knew how many people would be picked up; that everyone would want to sit by themselves. Either the school had that much money to blow or they were being extra careful. He's heard tales of how temperamental some of these creatures could be. Mabari had wondered off, but Louis knew that he wouldn't cause trouble. Or so he hopes. Soon some guy asked them all a question. A fairly generic one: Who they were. Louis looked around. He was still unsure if this question was suppose to be directed to him or just anyone. So he chimed up. [b]"You talking to me?"[/b] --- Restu was writing in her Death Note as her ghosts crowded over a phone, watching a video of something Restu had lost interest in. She was updating the pages to make sure that her ghosts didn't stagnate. If she didn't, they would end up repeating their actions over and over, and slowly going insane. By updating them regularly, they can live a bit more fluidly. She set her notebook down for a moment to drink from her cup, but than one of the ghosts flung his arms out in surprise, knocking the Death Note off the table and out into the carriage. [b]"Hey, watch it!"[/b] She shouted at her ghosts. Restu got up from her table and went to look for her Death Note. It was underneath Yume's table, though Restu didn't see it fly over there. --- Mabari was bored of Louis and went to go find someone to entertain him. He avoided the girl who seemed to be talking to the otherside of her seat, avoided the couple getting it on in their booth, and others that he didn't really bother to observe. He did, however, find a strange green person taking it easy in his booth. Mabari chose to bother him by getting into the booth, barking once to get his attention.