[@VitaVitaAR][@TheFake][@Crusader Lord][@PKMNB0Y] [center][h1]OWAIN DARK!!![/h1][/center] Owain looked on as his uncle dissolved before him, a conflicted feeling in his chest. On the one hand, it had been a truly brilliant fight, with only the quick thinking he'd inherited from his father to thank for his victory. On the other hand... Well, you know, [i]Uncle...[/i] In the end though, the realization that all the people Chrom had killed were somehow fine tipped the scales to relief. Still, he tilted his head in a quick prayer to Naga, before bending down to grab the crystal resting on the ground before him. Before he did so however, he realized that this was potentially a [i]very[/i] stupid idea, and instead took a small satchel he kept under his cloak and wrapped the crystal in that instead. Once he was sure it wouldn't accidentally fall off his belt and cause some other form of horrible chaos, he made his way towards Robin and the others. As he walked, he maintained a cool pose with a hand over his face, because Naga it just looked too damn cool not to! "Friends, I have completed my mournful task." He said, and while his tone was still quite dramatic, it was distinctly not an excited half-scream, a clear indication that the re-killing of his uncle had had a significant impact on him. "Fa-...I mean, Robin. When his form dissolved, I located a dark crystal beneath the ashes. As of yet, I'm afraid I do not recognize it, but I wonder if perhaps you may have seen something similar in your own grand adventures?" He held the satchel out to her, before looking down to the girl who had introduced herself, and a new wide, is still somewhat subdued grin grew on his face. "Ah, greetings Miss Abigail, I am Owain Dark! Legendary dark swordsman of Ylisse, as well as the grandmaster of Nohr!" He nodded in respect to the young... maybe just young-looking girl? He didn't want to say for sure, because Nyx was living proof that sometimes youthful appearances could be deceiving... Still, what he did know was that she was skilled in the ways of magic, and that it was worth listening to what she had to say. "That [i]does[/i] make sense..." He said when she mentioned the possibility of time travel. "I myself have traveled through time on multiple occasions, and while I can't say it was very similar to the past few times, it seems like the most likely option simply based on the outcome..." And then he remembered something that the man he'd met at the shrine had said, and wondered if it might provide any hints as to just what was going on. "Oh and before I forget, would anyone here happen to know what the word 'cosplay' means? Because I for one have never heard it before, despite my extensive and colourful vocabulary!"