[hider] Name: Daniel Sepúlvelda Age: 20 Pantheon: Teotl Divine Parent: [url=https://sites.google.com/site/scionoverhaul/pantheons/teotl/mictlantecuhtli]Mictlantecuhtli[/url] Appearance: Despite being a big eater Daniel always looks skinny, almost to the point of being underweight but not quite. He has black hair and very dark brown eyes. Like his father he is 6 feet tall. Since learning about his heritage he started wearing a [url=https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/71qFycIeXgL._UX395_.jpg]neclace that looks like a human eye[/url], as well three rings representing [url=https://cf3.s3.souqcdn.com/item/2016/08/30/11/48/34/64/item_XL_11483464_16216099.jpg]an owl,[/url] [url=https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/fhUAAOSwHHFY~9tM/s-l300.jpg]a bat[/url] and [url=https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/71%2BF44YSI8L._UY500_.jpg]a spider and a skull[/url] History: A third generation American Daniel spent most of his life unaware of his heritage, not that he would have believed anyone who tried to tell him, his mother always told him that she met his father while both were on vacation in Mexico and that she knew he was married. For a long time part of him blamed his father for both cheating on his wife and forcing his mother to raise him on her own, even he though knew the man likely wasn't aware of his existence. This changed when Mictlantecuhtli appeared before him and he understood how important the God's job was. Ever since then his father's wife [url=https://sites.google.com/site/scionoverhaul/birthrights/guides]Mictecacihuatl[/url] has been contacting him and trying to help him find allies, though Daniel gets the feeling that understandably enough she doesn't actually like him. Abilities/Skills: [list] [*] Karate: While far from a black belt Daniel has taken up up learning Karate when in high school to learn how to defend himself from bullies. [*] Cooking: Since his mother often didn't have the time due to her job Daniel has learned how to cook. [*] Bilingual: Daniel speaks both English and Mexican Spanish. (OOC: Note that I don't speak Mexican) [/list] Supernatural Abilities: [list] [*] Animal Communication: This allows Daniel to become in tune with the thriving animal world around him. He may spend a few seconds listening to them howling, buzzing, or calling out in their language to easily understand what they are saying. He may even capture their attention and speak with them for a few minutes, but most animals have limited intelligence and narrow interests. [*]Night Eyes: Thanks to his [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mictlāntēcutli]father's[/url] affinity with bats Daniel is able to use echolocation to see in the dark. [/list] Birthrights: An Obsidian Macuahuitl, and a Sacrificial Knife that he can also use to offer blood to Mictlāntēcutli in exchange for a strength boost, the duration of the boost depends on the amount of blood sacrificed but while its active he is strong enough to lift 250 pounds. He also has a skull mask which allows him to summon five Aztec zombies. [/hider]