[@Lucius Cypher] I'm perfectly fine with changing it then. But since we're not running on 100% game logic, may I posit a realism world vs gaming scenario conundrum? The old D&D style problem where a lower level assassin has an average dagger up to someones throat and ends up succesfully stabbing him through it. Does it do 4-5 damage to this tougher guy. Or did he just get stabbed through the throat? Like if I used Wrap. I could fully see a scratch, bite and various other attacks being used as a counter. I just don't know how it would "look" if my wrapped opponent did a 'Hi Jump kick'. Like would it roleplay like..."Character used Wrap on Hitmonlee, holding you tight and squuezing you tighty." "Uh. Double kick?" "I for some reason let you loose enough to use that attack and you go back into the Wrap for a few turns." I guess you mentioned cartoon logic, so maybe somebodies cleverness can play a factor in combat? Because unlike most of the games terrain and various other methods may play a factor. I'll edit the CS, was just curious how that would be handled.