Crow nodded, feeling relieved when Penelope said she didn’t think Gavin had followed her this time. Just to be sure, he casted one more look at the forest around them but, seeing no movement or other signs that they were being watched, he let himself relax. Without her stubborn ex suitor around, it was going to be easier for him to convince her that that the knight had fabricated the story of his meeting with Jaxon, and he wouldn’t have to worry about arguing with anyone to prove himself. [color=fff79a][b]“Speaking of Gavin…”[/b][/color] [i]Here it comes,[/i] Crow thought, turning back to Penelope with a confused look, as if he wasn’t sure what she was about to say. While she went on to tell him when Gavin had told her, he listened quietly without interrupting to defend himself. He had been hoping she would be able to tell him a little more about what her former suitor had overheard of his conversation with Jaxon, but it seemed like she didn’t know very much either. At least, she wasn’t telling him if she did know. “Gods, I [i]told[/i] him not to tell you that,” he groaned, shaking his head in frustration. “The hardheaded fool…” Turning back to Penelope, he offered her a hapless smile. “I was going to tell you this on my own, but after we parted ways two days ago, I found another potential lead in Myrefall. One of the men of the village overheard me and my companions talking about Jaxon and approached us to say that he may know where we can find him. He knows how dangerous the men in Jaxon’s group can be, so he refused to talk until after nightfall, when we could be sure we were alone.” He shrugged, “Anyway, I went out to meet with him, and he told me that he heard rumors of a band of thieves in Black Hollow. He thinks they’re the ones we’re looking for.” His smile grew slightly more hopeful. “I know it’s not much, and it will be difficult to convince your baroness to let you leave again, but it’s better than nothing right?”