"Wha—" Tokiko glanced around in surprise, wondering who had interrupted their conversation, and found the street deserted. Empty asphalt stretched out beneath the gloom of a darkening sky, still and silent but for a single, violet-clad figure who was unmistakably a magical girl. Tokiko had been so caught up in explaining things that she hadn't noticed they'd walked into a quiet area... And opened themselves up to being ambushed all over again! Even so, her eyes narrowed. [i]This doesn't make sense.[/i] How had this person been able to identify them while they were still in their civilian identities? "You..." she grumbled, finally looking the intruder in the eye, "How long have you been eavesdropping? It's rude to listen in on a private conversation without announcing yourself, you know?" All the anger that had vanished from her voice while talking to Hikari now came surging back with a vengeance. "Stalker! Creep! Detestable public nuisance! Go find someone else to harass!" She casually unslung one strap of her bag, putting the tools inside within reach if she needed them. If this girl was who Tokiko thought she was, then things could get hairy if it came to a fight. [i]Geez, just how many more irritations am I going to have to deal with today?[/i] [@VitaVitaAR]