Nale, after the declaration of joining the mission, noticed the... whatever be being Kosnitch was. He really needed to study him more when the opportunity arose, but first some further introductions. "Well," Nale started, "I've already told my Hero name, but my full name is Nataniel Molinero. As for my capabilities, My Hero skill, or Arete as it is also called, is hiding. If I can find a hiding spot for myself, I cannot be located, even with magic. Well, I suppose an Ancient can locate me, but those are rare, if not non-existent. But I have other skills besides that. Most of my quests involve fighting and hunting monsters, whether they were Others, Otherborn, Exalted, or just normal humans. I have knowledge of both magic and alchemy, and although High Magic is beyond me, I can use Low Magic in a pinch. I can also cook, hunt and forage, if we end up in the wilds. And then there's my equipment." Nale took out his bandolier, revealing eight daggers. "You can't exactly fight openly, if you are skilled in hiding, so I've been trained to use sneak attacks with a dagger. Each of these daggers is either made or coated with a planetary metal. Gold, silver, mercury, copper, iron, tin and lead. In my world, there is No Strength without Weakness, and often that weakness is against one or more planetary metal." Nale went through all his daggers with his finger, before finally pulling out the last one. "The eighth dagger is made of steel, and that I use against humans and other mundane creatures." He put the dagger back to the bandolier and reattached it. "That is pretty much it"