"Inventory... oh, right!" It took Deneb's mention to remind Viri about the item storage in the game, which logically should have carried over with the rest. With a frown, she pulled up the menu screen she'd used to accept the friend requests and started poking around, eventually spotting the button marked 'Inventory.' After a slight hesitation, she poked that too, opening up another window. Her eyes widened as she saw what was on display there. "Uh oh—" She looked up at the ninja, only to see a big man in heavy armor come roaring down out of the sky to slaughter an innocent pig. Running it through with his blade, he stood victorious, insulted its skill, and then proceeded to get blood all over the place while trying to retrieve his weapon. Viri stared, open-mouthed, not quite sure how to react. One hand went to her chest, and she took a deep breath, trying to string her thoughts together again. "...oh [i]my![/i]" Deneb was already taking care of most of the talking, which was probably for the best, since she still wasn't sure what to think of this boisterous stranger. She waved shyly at him over the ninja's shoulder. "Hi!" With Deneb rapidly going through basic info and negotiations, she didn't want to interrupt, but it was only polite to offer a greeting, no? [i]In the meantime...[/i] She'd better take care of the inventory thing before Deneb turned around. Specifically because she had, well, a [i]lot[/i] of stuff in there. Jewels, rings, necklaces, potions, armor, weapons, cosmetics... she swiped with her hand, scrolling through the list, trying and failing to find an end to it. [i]Oh dear. I should probably have cleaned all this up at some point, shouldn't I?[/i] Blushing slightly, she tapped on two pairs of sturdy-looking boots, which materialized at her feet with a quiet [i]pop![/i] Then jabbed at the button to close her inventory, quickly hiding the window. "I... I found us some shoes!" she said, trying her hardest not to look embarrassed. [@PKMNB0Y][@Ozerath]