[b][i]Flame Brooks[/i][/b] Flame was going to stand his ground. It would not do to let Chieko down, nor would he let [i]himself[/i] down. Just as Ashton had protected him, so will he protect other people. As Quill melted the metal concealing the blade inside her 'club', Flame opened his gate and shouted with all his might as he stretched out his palms. [B]"GOA!"[/B] If he had it right, then fireballs will erupt out of his hands. If he got it right, then he'd face Quill with a sheet of fire. Of course, this risked burning the house down all around them, but at least Chieko would have a chance to escape, perhaps even with some of Donovan's candles. A sharp pain across his arms and chest; did the blade slice clean through them? If so, he had a few seconds of conciousness left, a few seconds to let out another [b]"GOA!"[/B] Flames came out of the redhead's mouth, burning tounge and tooth and causing unbearable agony. Yet another volley hurled at Quill. Then the boy collapsed onto the floor, spent, his conciousness spiralling into oblivion. The boy was dead once more, barring a miracle. Hopefully he had not accidentally killed Chieko instead of, you know, covering her escape.