Avenue watched the fight with an intense glare. A wicked grin split his face when Key took the iron from Tum Tum, and he thought [color=4BBB7D][i]Well, maybe Hope is with this one"[/i][/color]. Key began to walk off after the fight, but the hoarse voice of Avenue was heard by all, [color=4BBB7D]"[b]Key![/b] You can't- you can't just perform a feat like that and not reap the- reap the rewards. Come- come here, and I will recognise the favour that Hope has- hope has clearly shown."[/color]. A look of understanding crossed Key's face as she wheeled around. No matter how good at combat she may be, she cannot fight Hope into the world. [color=4BBB7D]"I realise- realise that there was error on my behalf. Prostrate yourself before me- before me, and I will anoint you in the place of Tum Tum,"[/color] he said. The gears in Key's head were shifting. There was obviously a lot of suspicion on her part, but she seemed to come to the decision that this was best for her. She approached Avenue slowly, and knelt in front of him. Her finger was still untreated. [color=4BBB7D]"Bring me ape blood and- ape blood and boil some water. I need the iron- the iron, Key,"[/color] he said, squatting down to pick up the wickedly sharp iron. [color=4BBB7D]"There is no anointment without a branding, Key. What sign do you wish to bear?"[/color] he asked. After the needed materials had been gathered, they were arranged in a triangle with Key lying naked, face first on the ground in the center. Avenue approaches the bowl of blood. He picks it up, and washes Key's hair in it. He paints her desired design on her back, and sets the bowl down. The crowd starts to hum: a bass sound, reverberating within the gut, and pulsing through bare feet. Key would feel it throughout herself as she waited for what she knew came next. The humming grew louder with every step Avenue took towards the fire. He picked up the glowing iron. Louder and louder. With a refined grace and speed, he stood by Key's side, and lowered the iron to her back. The humming grew to a crescendo as he traced her design in her skin, not going deep enough to hit muscle, but enough that it will make a vicious memorial to her promotion. The urge to cry out would be truly overwhelming. By the time Avenue had finished the drawing the humming had died down. Crevasses had formed in Key's back, the skin charred and burnt where the iron made direct contact, and grossly discoloured in the surrounding areas. Avenue poured water over the burns, washing away the mixed bloods. [color=4BBB7D][b]"And witness, as the water washes away the blood and sets the heat. Now you are blessed- blessed."[/b][/color]