Penelope gave a small nod as he assured her that he knew the questioning was coming. She was glad that he didn't seem to hold any hurt feelings because of it. Now she could only hope that Gavin would understand the situation and believe her when she told him Crow wasn't the enemy he thought he was. It wouldn't be easy to convince the male knight. He had already made it very clear multiple times that he believed Crow to be the one responsible for the raid on the camp. She looked up at him, noticing his eyes drift down to her lips as he spoke. The knight smiled and eagerly met his lips as he kissed her. Letting out a soft sigh, she sank into his lips, enjoying their closeness. It was a much needed distraction from all the worries she had and his touch easily got her heart racing excitedly. She eventually pulled back and grinned at him. "That is one bonus I suppose." she mused softly before moving in to press a series of kisses along his neck. As she got down near his collarbone, she stopped and let out a small sigh as she leaned her head against his shoulder. "I probably shouldn't stay too long tonight. This week is going to be a long one because of the attack." she mumbled, closing her eyes as she still tried to enjoy the short time they did have together. "In fact, it'll probably be a while before we can meet up again.. Maybe five or six days?" She frowned a little at that. They hadn't been separated that long since his illness had been at it's worse and she certainly didn't want to go back to meeting only once a week, especially after getting to spend so much time with him as of late. However, her camp needed her and she couldn't afford to be sneaking out a lot while they did. "I wish we could make it sooner but I don't think I'll be able to get away from camp very much right now. I barely managed today."