John had been lead into his room, and with further inspection... he would hate it immediately. Not in an edgy teenager way, but in a way that made him crowded, though he would see that they added a balcony in his room, which gave it a nice upside to it. John would open the balcony, taking in the nice wind. After smiling in his weird Squid smile, he made a nice sigh of relief. He closed the curtains though kept the doors themselves open. ohn would then toss his rather small suitcase into the bed, then looking down at his normal looking legs and feet, he began to hold his breath. From an outside perspective, he would look constipated, and it wasn't really necessary for him to transform this way, though John Simple was a man of the dramatic, and loved to show off, even when no one is looking. Soon, from the gap that separated his socks and shoes from his legs and pants, a tentacle would reel out, moist and slippery looking. John would groan as he did that, and soon, more tentacles would start to reel out of his leg. It would cover his 'feet' like a bush and the many of them (possibly about 9 or 10) would start to move. John had this conformality when he's in this state and in his opinion, it made him faster. He would slide toward the front door, opening and closing it in a quick motion. As he sped around the castle, looking for the main ballroom, he would speed past other tenants and guests as his eyes would look around on its own, as one of a chameleon's. Some might have seen a weird Green and black thing speed past them as they were going into their rooms, though it wasn't much trouble. John, at some times, would bump into people, either with a slight push, or a shove, or just a hard shoulder check. It would be soon that John would finally reach the ballroom, it had taken him a few minutes, most of the time wasted on running in circles from this unfocused sprinting, though John's composure would still look calm... well if you can read Squid faces.