Silas listened to Gerad's explosive suggestion. The idea was plausible for sure and would save them plenty of time in killing Deval as well. He remained silent for a moment before eyeing the holographic projection of the occupied manor. Ducaelia however pointed out that such a loud method of dealing with Deval could backfire. Thus far, the Horsemen had essentially decayed Precolis military forces from the inside out and whatever was left, or more specifically, remaining loyal to Precolis' citizens whom trained them into guerilla fighters were small in number and scattered. Apocalypse's forces far outnumbered them and for some time, haven't recognized them as a true fighting force. Blowing up the manor, assuming Deval would truly be inside during the detonation, would no doubt get the attention of the rest of the Horsemen. If that were to happen, Madlock would surely come after them while Lasminee and Gorcht would either fortify their defenses, or worse, hightail it offworld. The contract was specific in nailing all four Horsemen and having them run off risked invalidating the job. And that was unacceptable. As Ducaelia made her way toward the door and Cyne suspiciously eyeing her, Silas turned his gaze to his team, [color=00a651][b]"I'll consider your proposal Gerad. However, I am uncomfortable about the butterfly effect that it could create as a result. I'd rather not chance our job becoming harder by spooking our prey."[/b][/color] Cyne then cut into the discussion, [color=00746b]"Bad enough one of the Horsemen is a heartless pyscho-bitch; that Lasminee chick. If I understand the mission parameters right, the resistance will want minimum civilian causalities - that means the slaves as well. She could even hold 'em hostage if we put her into a corner. The resistance would likely stop backing us up if that happens. That means no extra fighters or live intel. I don't know about you but I'd rather not lose that kind of asset."[/color] Silas took in Cyne's statement but struggled to grasp if his sniper's righteous or soldier-style thinking was talking. Perhaps it was both. Regardless, Cyne, before joining his crew, did serve in the SSA as a anti-insurgent warfighter and a peacekeeper too. No doubt that the man had run into scenarios such as this one, though albeit nothing as bad as what they were stepping into. But still, his experience on the matter was vital and Silas knew he needed to consider that point as well. [color=00746b]"Boss,"[/color] Cyne began again, [color=00746b]"I vote we hunt and kill Lasminee first; we're better off not having dead civvies being added to our name. Once we cut that snake's head off, then we could then blow Deval sky high without having to tangle with his PMC. Probably kill Gorcht along the way too."[/color] [color=00a651][b]"And Madlock?"[/b][/color] Silas asked, intrigued were Cyne was taking this. [color=00746b]"We get him to come after us. It would save us the hassle having to find and pin him down ourselves. Consider it a call to challenge him."[/color] Silas gave that one some thought. It would put Death into his natural element for sure and that was also risky as well. But without any of his friends to back him up at that point and with the city surely falling into resistance control, it would surely put him at a disadvantage as well in terms of movement. It was essentially flipping the tables of control. How Madlock would respond however, Silas couldn't begin to ponder. Before he could say any more, he felt the Legion's End suddenly shaking and then becoming still. Seconds later, Sven's voice echoed through the intercom, [color=fff200][b]"We've just landed fellas. Resistance fighters and leadership are just outside wanting to get the job going."[/b][/color] [color=00a651][b]"Right, tell 'em we'll be out shortly."[/b][/color] Silas replied before he turned his attention to his squad, [color=00a651][b]"Okay, get suited up. We'll follow Cyne's advice for the time being unless resistance intel gives us something to ponder about."[/b][/color] After ten minutes, Silas' squad had assembled, this time, a reluctant Sven was accompanying him. Silas figured the extra man power would bolster their chances. Sven however didn't initially see it that was and took some convincing once the resistance fighters on site promised that his ship would be looked after and not harmed nor misused in anyway, shape, or form. Sven only then agreed after sealing off any external access into the ship. Their landing site was apparently settled in an outskirt town, deep in one of the thick forested areas where Apocalypse's influence and surveillance was lacking, especially when the Horseman were nested in one urban center. Due to this fact, much of the patrols were withdrawn to the city in order to bolster their defenses. While the distance to Duran would've been a couple of kilometers out, resistance contacts offered to drive Silas' group as close as possible. Sure beat walking, that was for sure. After they arrived, it was already sundown with limited sunlight illuminating Precolis' skies. Given what they were setting out to do, having the reduced visibility gave them the subtle edge they were looking for. Though of course more so for Cyne and Ducaelia. The city limits once they came to hit were, more or less, incredibly pitiful. Refuges huddled around an array of ignited trashcans positioned at the center of makeshift tents. Many of the individuals appeared barely cleaned and no so well fed. Many of the fighters weren't that much better but still seemingly in better shape. Given the circumstances; they had to be. Silas and company we led into the alleyways in order to avoid surveillance picking them out. Poor Sven and his cumbersome body barely fit some of the tighter corridors and occasionally dinged against the rough surfaces. Eventually, they were led in far enough to be left to their own devices. Silas observed the updated map of the city and took note of several of the features. Deval's fortress was located Eastward with only a few roads leading to his claimed estate. The terrain certainly opened up if one were to approach the mansion; perfect for the defenders to pick off any force foolish to charge the large walled structure. There was very little in terms of cover or any sub-buildings surrounding the mansion. Lasminee's operation was located further West and was stationed within a fine business tower whose surroundings, while open were more so enclosed with many other office structures build around it. Gorcht's hangout was positioned in a more urban district though there were surprisingly little leads as to where he was hiding. Same thing with Madlock as his activities were track up towards the North. Nothing there of real importance with the exception of a government building as a ransacked police station. Other wise, his was a darkened area of literal uncertainty. Following their intel and going with Cyne's advice, they pushed through Gorcht's territory. Knocking out the control towers, as Silas had pointed out before, would prove useful in denying Lasminee a leverage that could be used against them. Striking out against the main facility operating the collar control channel was their obvious target. Unsurprisingly, their approach was uncontested due to poorly structured patrols. Ducaelia and Cyne had no problem putting done some of the isolated patrols that got in their way. And then, about five hundred meters away was their target; a power generate complex that was retooled for running the control towers. But between them and the generated complex was a small neighbor hood and an unusually populated service station. Dozens of small single floor houses were constructed in rows before their roads conjoined into a juncture past the station. Said station played host to what Cyne claimed was over thirty thugs. But the lowlifes Cyne was itching to start popping weren't guarding anything. Actually, there were guards stationed at the recharge and fueling pens that their own vehicles would use but the inflated number of thugs present seemed to entail a bit of a social gathering of sorts. Brutish men and women laughed and yelled as they invaded the stored of alcohol from the convenience store centered at the station, completely unaware Silas' group stalking them. [color=00746b]"Silas,"[/color] Cyne softly spoke though the comms built into his sealed spider-like helm. Silas had noted that he had moved on ahead and was surveying the area from an elevated vantage point, [color=00746b]"we have these guys with their pants down. They have no idea we're here. Hitting that complex would be much easier if we clear this sorry lot out. No reinforcements for the defenders."[/color] Silas agreed that it would in fact virtually weaken the guarding personnel that looked over the generators by destroying any back up they could call upon. Though dealing with over thirty, likely drunken, thugs was still a tall order. Apparently Cyne knew this too and had a plan already formulated. [color=00746b]"I got eyes on one of the sub-generators behind the station that powers the surrounding street lights. I can have Pathfinder hit that box and blind these bastards. Should be easier to deal with them while their blind. I'd give them a minute before they can give a proper response."[/color] It was a sound plan and one that wouldn't raise to much attention. In fact, the confusion would likely work in their favor and given them plenty of time before any one of the thugs tries to radio for help. That is, if anyone of them could even find theirs in the dark. [color=00a651][b]"Gotcha, we'll run the game. We'll fire on your mark. Gerad, Ducaelia. Get you night-vision ready. Once the lights go out, we become specters; weapons free."[/b][/color] It only took a half a minute for Cyne's drone to sneak around the back and fry the sub-generator. Immediately, the lights flickered before going out completely. The thugs looked up in confusion and began stumbling into one another as they tried to field their own night vision goggles. However, they were only given a second to respond as everything suddenly went to hell.