[hider=Zephyr] [b]Name:[/b] Zephyr Aludash [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Saurian [b]Culture:[/b] Even when his parents were still around Zephyr had always lived in a place where he was constantly encouraged to better himself. Strength is a very important attribute, but not necessarily physical strength, just strength in the most general sense of always getting better. [b]Racial Features:[/b] [b]Appearance[/b] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DZeIXzEXUAEZ2UL.jpg[/img] Stands at about 6'6" [b]Occupation/Concept/Ship Position[/b] Marauder/Artifact Hunter/Analyst and Comms [b]Training:[/b] [list] [*]Trained in various forms of martial arts by an ascetic of monks he met and was partially raised by [*]Not formally trained by practice and his technomamcy powers make Zephyr quite adept at hacking systems [*] [/list] [b]Powers:[/b] [list] [*]Technomancy, specifically being able to gather information on any tech item just by touching it [*]Detect Magic, the ability to sense if an area is being affected by magic and possibly specific causes/effects [*]Firebolt, about as effective as a gun but it’s a gun that people don’t see coming. Can also be toned down so it’s less able to kill [*] [*] [/list] [b]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*] [*] [*] [*] [/list] [b]Airship:[/b] As much as Zephyr wanted to keep the ship he lived on with his parents it was too badly damaged. He left it with the monks, they said they might be able to fix it. He’s yet to go back and check [b]Motivation:[/b] Trying to find something to fill the void in his life left by his parents’ death [b]Personality:[/b] Zephyr always tries to keep a cheerful demeanour and tries to not take himself too seriously. Being dark and moody never helped anyone [b]Flaws:[/b] [list] [*]Has rather low self esteem and often looks for validation from others [*]Has abandonment issues and does not do well on his own [*] [/list] [b]Bio:[/b] Thought his parents were just normal people but they were really smugglers, just hid it very well The signs were there about his parents. They had resources far above what anyone would expect of common folk His dad was messing with trying to equip their ship with transport capabilities when they were raided His parents tried to protect him but the raiders made quick work of them, slaughtering them right in front of him Dazed and confused, Zephyr screamed, and it was as though the ship came to life to aid him The transporter system was good enough for one use and transported the raiders off the ship in to the cold void of space before breaking The ship floated along in space for several days, seemingly with some destination in mind. Zephyr was alone, and any time he tried anything with the ship it would short circuit, so he spent most of his time away from ship systems Eventually the ship reached a small planet and Zephyr was hailed by an ascetic of monks who lived there Since Zephyr didn’t know how to land the ship some of the monks came up to get him down. Zephyr saw them and was surprised they were Delzhan, he’d never met their kind before They took him in and taught him their ways. They also found Zephyrs magical powers had been awakened based on what he told them and the strange behaviour of the animals at the temple Zephyr lived with them for many years, learning martial arts and learning to use his magic Eventually though he felt he had to leave the monks so he could grow as a person He bounced around between a few things before finding the Marauders He’s been with the Marauders for a few years now, with a group of people he generally likes, always ready for the next job to start [b]Extra Info:[/b]Honour code: Don’t shoot first. Don’t kill anyone who’s just doing their job (cops et al.) He also enjoys a morning coffee [/hider]