[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/7VmE2Nf.png[/img] [b][color=FD0000]Level 2 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=FD0000]/////////////////[/color]/// (17/20) [color=EAE11C]Location:[/color] Scrapyard - Right [color=EAE11C]wordcount:[/color] 330 [/center] Bowser's simple plan ended up going perfectly as his brawn and the Courier's brain combined to create chaos within the enemy ranks that left the bots wide open to a attack by the rest of the team. They pounced on the opportunity and their combined might scraping every last robot with relative ease. They were so efficient that bowser didn't even have to retreat very far before the firepower chasing him was silenced, a which point he turned and stomped back up the hill. The king took a moment to scoop up all the slightly sickly looking robot souls, transporting them by piling them up between his crossed arms and his belly, before returning down to the pit-stop proper, at which point he dumped them all unceremoniously into the spiritual mess they had made there so that everyone could prouse all of the loot they had acquired at their leisure. By the time he had done this it was likely the crossroads group where either dead or had been saved, so he paid them little mind. For himself the king initially tested out crushing an Eradicator, wondering what affect the robots and how it would affect the quality of the equipment they produced when compared to the rabbids. Then he turned his attention to the rest of the group. “YOU GOT MY HAT BACK. AND KIRBY’S SAFE. GOOD JOB” The king congratulated Ratchet. The rabbids were lucky they had skuled off before he returned or the king would have followed up on his implied death threat. As it was the day as theirs and kirby was back among them once more. However, it seemed that until the kirbster was up and about again they’d need to pay closer attention to him than they had in their first fight. “HMMM. MAYBE THAT STRIKER THING THE HOODED GUY MENTIONED” the king pondered loudly before fishing the jar of hammer bro souls out of a pocket and emptying the pair into a claw. “ALRIGHT YOU LAZY GOONS” the king yelled at the two sprites “IT’S TIME TO QUIT FREELOADING, SO GET UP AND SERVE YOUR KING!” he ordered them, focusing his attention squarely on the pair, his face scrunching up in concentration as he did so, to try and form a connection.