Crying. As James stood in the doorway to one of the art classrooms, a look of sorrow and worry danced on his features as he watched his classmate crying. He could hear the sorrow and despair in her sobs, her tears racing down her face. She seemed to be almost curled up in the corner, and he just wanted to go over and take her into his arms. Hold her, let her cry against him and allow her to let it all out. "I heard what happened." James's gentle and warm voice passed his soft lips, as he made his way into the classroom and sat down next to her. His hand reached out and gently touched her own, though he withdrew it so she'd not feel overwhelmed or forced to take it from him. Instead, he sat close enough to allow her to make her own choice as to what she did with him being there. "If you want to talk about it, I'm right here." A small, genuine smile crossed his lips as he drew his knees to his chest and glanced over at the woman. "But if you are gonna cry against me, please wipe your nose first." It was a gentle teasing, and he clearly meant nothing by it. He just wanted to see if she'd smile for even a second. He was such a gentle soul, and one whom had been through hell at this school. Once rather overweight, he was bullied endlessly for it. He had just.. disappeared one day, and returned nearly a year later with quite a bit of weight loss. He was less likely to talk to others now, but his gentle giant persona was still there. He just wasn't as.. fat, for lack of a better word. //So, I kinda wanted this to be friendship and eventual romance. James is a gentle sort, kind and sweet though he is anxious when it comes to being social and kinda shys away from talking to strangers or interacting with classmates to a degree. He's rather lonely because of this, and the bullying he's been through in the past. I kinda thought of two possible ways for Y/C to be played, but of course they don't have to be. The first could be a popular girl who picked on him when he was.. larger, and was perhaps one of the worst offenders when it came to this. He's forgiven people for it, though it took him until a year ago to forgive her. The other was the more.. gentle one. I kinda imagined Y/C here as an emo girl, someone picked on a lot in her old school. She's been here a month, and James is the only person to be nice to her thus far. He's not aware of the bullying that goes on when he's not near her, and this would be when he finds out about it all. He'd be hiding the guilt he feels at not being able to look after and protect his only ever friend. also I love the idea that regardless, James's crush on her is a little clear. Kissing his cheek to make him get all embarrassed because she finds it funny and cute how flustered he gets over it.