[centre][h1][colour=darkorange]𝔖 𝔢 𝔦 𝔥 𝔡 𝔥 𝔞 𝔯 𝔞[/colour][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/hugDZzh.png[/img] [color=darkorange][i]Seihdhara of the Red Hair, The Crimson Goddess[/i][/color] Goddess of [i]Martial Combat[/i] # Might [img]https://i.imgur.com/o5T6T0Q.png[/img][/centre] [sub][i]Time: The Day the Gods Came[/i][/sub] And as before was it once more, for her entrance came with tears. Tears and pain, as though something had been stolen from her despite all her efforts and all her fires and all her burning. She held on, waiting, resisting the will that bid the hole-in-all-things to close. But she would not let it close, for she had not yet come through. She could see the monstrous visage burning with glorious, purifying heat - no corruption had taken root and no misery. And she could see the little winged creature whose name she well knew flittering about the great mountaintop pyre, moaning in fear and sadness. Seihdhara - for she had no doubts or befuddled memories; she knew who she was, had come here fully-formed and complete! - reached for them both. [colour=darkorange][i]'Come,'[/i][/colour] she called to them, her hair of flame driven here and there by the force of some unknown wind. But the flittering fae could not hear her, and the burning monstrosity could only hiss and growl in the tongue known only to flames. [color=darkorange]'Come,'[/color] she called again, the hint of desperation in her voice, tears gushing forth and sizzling into nothingness on her cheeks. The beast aflame looked up, fury burning more brightly in its eyes than elsewhere. And yet there was a sadness which only those who know the language of eyes could see; and Seihdhara saw and wept. What had that one who had for such a short time been her brother sought through this? What was her crime that he should cut her up and wound her so severely? She did not mind the physical blow, the glancing punch, the stabbing strike - but this... [indent]This was different.[/indent] And so she refused to move, her shoulder here and her foot there and the hole-in-all-things screeching [i]let me go[/i], screeching for relief - as if saying [i]you are through! you are through! so let me go oh let me go oh oh oh![/i] And Seihdhara held, her light green eyes aglow, standing steadfast against the crashing cosmic surge and flow. And as she stood, stubborn and defiant, she thought she saw another door on a distant surf-tormented shore, and she thought she saw the one who came to her before and knew, in her gut, she will neither see nor be seen by anymore. She looked back on it now, this stepping through - so swiftly! - from door to door, all the life and all the joy and all the love she had given and been given. Aye he had hurt her soul, that brother, and unforgivably so, but was not that always the way of siblings? Had her own father not hurt her beyond the veiled lady's own door? Had he not hurt her and all her beloveds and her children? And she looked to the burning beast and reached out, for she would sooner die than leave the gift her loves had given her behind. Her endless hair whipped about her naked form and made her olive body the peaceful centre of a raging red storm. [color=darkorange][i]'You will come with me, or we will perish here.'[/i][/color] She declared. And her living hair - its tips even now still purple-stained from exertions that now seemed so long ago - fought its way through and reached down, on and on and on for ever. And flaming hair met fiery growling visage, and there was a moment of unity and peace. And Seihdhara smiled, and she laughed, and her joy was known even in the nothingness of these inter-universal barrens and even behind her where the gods had congregated around he who called them forth again. And there was serenity in that moment, and completion. And she looked at her bear, joyful, and his furious eyes seemed to soften. And her shoulder snapped and her foot was rocketed from its place; and the hole-in-all-things gasped and screeched and with a triumphant breath- shut, severing her living hair. Seihdhara howled in horror and pain and clawed at the emptiness which had stolen her neverending crimson mane and half of her soul. Roaring her fury, she fell backwards and was suddenly falling. [centre][img]https://i.imgur.com/Ylk7oKv.jpg?2[/img] [i]A frozen moment before the plummet[/i][/centre] Indeed, she only now registered that she had appeared far above all the others and that, in addition to that, she now could not fly. And how could she when her hair had been [i]killed[/i] and now hung listless and shorter than it had ever been? A certain anger filled her then and she turned in mid-air - just about missing a godbird and her godrider, the latter who then proceeded to fall. But Seihdhara was not paying too much attention as she now found herself looking downwards. And she filled her chest with air - or maybe she only did it out of habit for there was no air out here - and she bellowed all her anger and frustration at all below and at everything that existed. And it was heard from Barrier to Core. And her bellow was - [centre][h1][color=darkorange][i]'WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!'[/i][/color][/h1][/centre] And she crashed right by an enormous cackling armoured being, and her landing was such that the ground shook and cracked and dust and rock rose up and there was dust and falling debris all about. Before it had even properly settled Seihdhara was up and shouting. [color=darkorange][i]'Who was it! Who was the bloody- stupid- fucking- who closed-! Bring them through! Bring Dwyn, and the rest of me, and I. WANT. MY. HAIR!'[/i][/color] Even naked - for her hair was no longer long enough to cover her and was, in any case, limp and lifeless now - she struck an imposing figure. She looked about her, her visage contorted with fury. Her eyes fell upon the armoured Narzhak and she knew he was not the one at fault here, so she moved on from him. She saw, then, a little shivering piece of skin with a dress in its mouth crumpled on the ground not too far away. Seihdhara recoiled at first, thinking the creature rather odd, but then she saw that it was not the one to blame and seemed somewhat flustered - even scared or hurt. She dashed over to it and picked it up, patting it down and swinging it - her? - over her shoulder. [color=darkorange][i]'I've got you Meatchops.'[/i][/color] She looked around again, surveying each of the other gods who had arrived. Some were bright and beautiful, one new arrival was stunningly sexy, another was nothing more than a mouth and tendrils and seemed to be babbling away. But she could see that none of them was at fault here. Frustrated, she turned, and her gaze finally settled on the beast on the dais with the disquieting singular eye. Her visage contorting once more, she screeched - [color=darkorange][i]'IT WAS YOU, YOU UGLY OLD OGRE!'[/i][/color] And without another thought, Chopsticks held steady on her broad shoulder with one hand, she took to launching bits of rock and fallen debris at the dumb old thing, aiming for its eye with pinpoint accuracy. [color=darkorange][i]'OPEN THE DOOR YOU! BRING THEM THROUGH!'[/i][/color] She demanded. [hider=Summary]Seihdhara [s]arrives with a blast[/s] came in like a wrecking ball. During her arrival she loses a bit of her soul (the bear bit, if you didn't get that), her old pal Dwyn (references, references everywhere, you can't stop the reference train of tradition and greatness), and she also loses a chunk of her hair. All this makes her angry, so she demands the Old Ogre open the door again and bring them all through. By throwing rocks at his one eye. During her original fall she almost hits Azura, causing her top drop Chopstick Eyes, who is now Seihdhara's personal plaid.[/hider]