[@Rune_Alchemist] Dirka approached one of the blobs that worked within the village to build his structure. She cleared her throat to get it's attention, of which she was not sure she got. [color=9400D3]"Hello little ooze, but could you by chance call your master or at least take me to him? I have a few questions, and also a few answers, if he'll hear them."[/color] She looked around at the village, looking at the now scared faces of its inhabitants and the shuffling of the Aho'Nohg. She hoped that her Sibling would respect her privacy while she respected his. In fact his was the only one she did respect, but hearing about his and Anu's meeting disturbed her. Most likely she asked what he knows about Dirka or her weaknesses, but she knew him better. If she gave him something worth his while, he'd lie to her, and Anu'varr would be none the wiser. But Iva was unpredictable in many cases, so he might double cross Dirka or refuse, or cross both Anu and Dirka. But she also counted on his logic of the world for this to work, not his whims and madness. Hopefully he'd take the deal.