[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Ex4l7Gt.png[/img][/center] Finally getting out of the muck, their efforts had been rewarded with safe, stable ground. However, before Yui could even say 'Ayo, what's up my nerd?', Falk had warned them of a large swarm. The explosive had collided directly with the large humanoid robot, a large explosion surrounded the area. Surprisingly, it obliterated everything. The humanoid robot and its quadrupedal friends were annihilated. Unfortunately, it obliterated everything. The very thing they had sworn (implied) to protect (implied) had been destroyed (literal). It wasn't even a "we can fix this later" type of repair job. No, the entire sensor was absolutely demolished. The explosion had triggered the batteries to also explode, the small relay essentially toppling onto itself and shattering into a irreparable mess. [b][color=E9DAA1]“!”[/color][/b], Yui turned to face the bomber in a tree with her eyes open 110% and her annoyance palpable, [b][color=E9DAA1]“you just did that.”[/color][/b] Her hand raised to head and then shot out a foot towards Falk in a fit of salt. [b][color=E9DAA1]“Why did you think that would be a good idea? I swear I'm going to SRK you when we make it out of this. Jeez, if we weren't surrounded before, we are now.”[/color][/b] Yui raised her blade. The batteries slide up the hilt and collided with her hand. In a swift motion, she thrust the blade backwards, lodging it into the ground and leapt forward. The long blade easily slid out of the hilt as the batteries were left hanging. She was ready to fight. Even if it meant unleashing her inner power. Man, that was going to suck.