Brandon turned to the source of the whistle and gave him a deadly glare. he pulled her closer to him and slid his hand over her back and landing on her waist. she shook her head "no i remember" she said "i just dont want to be treated like a glass china doll James" she says "and you hesitating or pulling away because your afraid of me going into another panic attack isnt helping me" she says "im not use to being touched in a loving way unless it came from Brandon or even sometimes my mother" she says "i dont get long with my other siblings they are getting to be as cruel as my father" she added. ",my father has kept me locked up up my whole life. my brother brought me things from the outside world when he could. this is all new to me but i also know what role my father has instore for me" she said to him. she looked down "im having feelings that are confusing to me. i think i like you James and i dont want you to leave" she said quickly.