[center]Blazermate Level 2 - (14/20) EXP Location: Scrapyard Word Count: 452 [/center] With the combined efforts of Roadhog, the Courier, Bowser, Ratchet, and the rest of the party with Blazermate's healing, everyone was able to come out of the fight only slightly damaged. Having such beefy boys really helped Blazermate, especially when one of them was keeping an eye out for her with that hook of his. Plus they made excellent heal targets, and she was sure they appreciated the ability to just keep on rampaging. She did feel sad though, after all, she was known as a combat medic back home, but here all she could do was hide and heal thanks to the lack of weapons at her disposal and her flight armor nowhere to be seen. Meanwhile Michael, Ratchet and all the other weapon users almost made her a bit jealous. But at least Kirby was safe. Collecting the spoils, Bowser scooped up all the spirits from the robots in the area and deposited them in a pile before looking at a few spirits of his own. Blazermate didn't get what he was talking about, but she walked over to the pile anyway and decided she might as well get some kind of weapons to use. Picking up an Engineer and Heavy bot spirits, she crushed them in her hands in the hopes of something fairly decent. Seeing commotion back where their allies were, the courier ran back instead of chasing the retreating rabbids. Blazermate followed suit, making sure to be wherever the battle was in case someone needed healing. A few of the weaker omnics seemed to be harassing all of blazermate's ranged allies. Since her weapons hadn't coalesed into anything usable yet, she focused on healing whoever the slicers were focusing, that being Michael and the Master. Those bots did very little to Bowser and roadhog, so she was sure they could handle it before she got in melee range to crush them.