[center][hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/SLW8zWT.png[/img] [b][color=darkred]Level 1[/color][/b] - (8/10) EXP [b][color=darkred]Location:[/color][/b] Scrapyard, Left [b][color=darkred]Word Count:[/color][/b] 238 [sub][b][color=darkred]Road Less Taken pt.2[/color][/b][/sub][/center] [hr] A nigh-silent whistle of wind blew by as whatever that robot was disappeared, which caused the teen to poke her head out from behind the rubble. Though, with Tora stepping out beside her, it made her looking secretive rather pointless. Despite that, she was cautious - Aigis wouldn't have missed Linkle throwing over that hunk of metal. True, she was far more advanced from the looks of things, but that mainly came down to her advancements in being [i]human[/i]. For all they knew, that robot was far better at being a robot. Robots operate using numbers and statistics. Which meant he saw something that they didn't, more important than all of them. If that was the case, things could quickly get out of hand. She wasn't sure why, but staying in the junkyard gave the redhead a bad feeling, like whenever the Reaper was around. Linkle's aid was much appreciated, helping Minako to her feet again, and she gave a nod in agreement. [color=darkred]"Agreed, we're headed there anyway. I also don't like the fact that robot just up and left. Best we leave too."[/color] She quickly waved Linkle to follow, as Minako took off only just behind Tora, thankfully able to keep pace due to his body not exactly being built for speed. While she was cautious of the other Rabbids they were leaving behind, so long as they didn't attack the party then they could be left behind.