I finally found time to read your last post. This was awesome. I pulled out three quotes I wanted to comment on. [quote=@HeySeuss]The Plashi controller, a strategist that established objectives on a limited level to their hired mercenary units, was indicating other anomalies in the area, but seemed to still think that it was a new variation of automated systems, some sort of leap forward in computing.[/quote] This is pure genius. Yes, it is different and the Salvesh can tell it is different. When you encounter something different, isn’t it traditionally an Anomaly? Sure. Say it is a glitch with the system and drive on! Love it! [quote=@HeySeuss]This felt like something different, Sahati grumbled to himself as the rounds hit. It was cruder than the typical Grathik technology, and his gut said that this was not the expected unexpected that they were reasonably prepared for. [/quote] Love it. The Salvesh can’t have it their way every time. Poor Sahati and Rysch are in trouble. How large of an element was at that more distant ambush site? The one we struck with sniper fire and indirect fire? Would this be a squad? ~10 soldiers…or a platoon? ~40 soldiers. [quote=@HeySeuss]"Sahati, I am sending coordinates," Rysch radioed, "and I want you to engage the location with fire very carefully. I think I have located a new enemy. I want to see their reaction." [/quote] What sort of fire should we expect in response from the Salvesh? Is this gunpowder indirect fire or energy-based weapons? Who is targeted? The Observation Post (OP) our squad is on or the lead elements of TF Cox moving toward the Salvesh forces?