[@Stern Algorithm] Woo, boy. That's a lot of guns... For the moment, I dont really want Zeon Pilots, due to the current balance being 2 active PCs on the Federation side and 3 on the Zeon and I dont really want to overwhelm them. Also, I dont want Zeon Pilots to have immediate access to Gundams. That being said, as the RP goes on, Fukushu Zeon are going to be experimenting with building their Gundams. So, getting that sucker as an upgrade later on is ok by me. But for the moment, I'd ask that you start as a Federation Pilot, defecting to Zeon later on is always an option, and you start with some kind of non-Gundam Mobile Suit, but if you're dead set on Funnel weapons, I'm happy to discuss giving you a funnel-based Mobile Suit or Armour. As for the Federation Experinenting question. All that we know so far is that Federations Black Division have been experimenting with Newtypes. What the experiments are and what their ultimate one-goal is, however, is a mystery. I dont want any PCs being anything to do with Black Division right now, because that would involve me having to give away the big mystery.