[color=c4df9b][b]Ettamri Belarence[/b][/color][hr] She paid as much attention to the others propositioning the priestess as she would trash by the roadside. [color=c4df9b]"Good. I am Ettamri Bellarence. We ride for Redstone Mine, for the four undead."[/color] While the helm obscured her expressions, she wore a slight grin. [color=c4df9b]"I'll be taking their attention. You better be good enough to purify them quickly."[/color] There was no other choice to make; without other party members the rest of the requests were nigh impossible. Goblins were seldom alone, and without someone who can read tracks, they could be going in blind to an entire army. Both of them can't track at all, considering their specialty, so hunting animals across a wide swathe of land was just going to end in them exhausting their supplies. Going after the two platinum request was akin to suicide at the moment, though Ettamri was sure she could at least hold her ground against Tithemal again. While there were a horde of solos in the crowd today, she wasn't keen on taking any more of them just to have a complete party, not without having at least some knowledge of how they acted; solos tended to be solos for a reason. [@Pie Flavor]