Clad in the least dirty thing he owned, his profession’s signature sky-blue, tight-fitting robes, Matteo paused at the entrance to the plaza. He’d avoided this place for the last week, truthfully, hoping to avoid Old Bear or any others who might aggravate his recently-healed injuries. The Silver Moon soldiers weren’t exactly a charitable crowd, at least not until the sun dipped lower in the sky and it became time for drinking. There had been no reason to come here, save perhaps seeking Hannah and Aoi, but the thief-turned-beggar had no great desire to do so. [i]Now I have to put my money where my mouth is.[/i] Or put his mouth where his money wasn’t. [i]All right. Relax. Play it off.[/i] [b]“Let’s see, they ought to be around here somewhere… hmm…”[/b] The dark-haired youth held a hand up as if squinting against the light. Honestly, nearsighted as he was, most of the people gathering in by the bounty boards were just a blur anyway. [i]Who looks like a Priest… priest…[/i] As popular (understandably) as healers were, what were the chances he could even find one who wasn’t already surrounded by doting party members? [b]“Ah! There!”[/b] Light glinted off a strangely-shaped helm and Matteo made a wild guess, pointing with false confidence. [b]“There she is. Let’s go talk to her. Ah--”[/b] He wavered as another heavily-armored figure joined the loner, but his step only hesitated for a moment before he kept walking, sliding through the crowd with single-minded intent. [b]“Good morning,”[/b] the young man said politely, squeezing his way past a few other back-flipping thieves and arriving in front of the duo. Seeing them up close, his heart sank down into his stomach. [i]I’m going to look like a fool.[/i] They were both [i]heavily[/i] equipped, clearly veterans at their craft with the funds to purchase such items. [i]Who better to help us get money, though?[/i] Marshaling his courage, Matteo gave the pair a modest smile. [b]“I apologize for interrupting you. I’ve seen you both around… you probably haven’t noticed me, of course.”[/b] He waved this off and went on, deciding on the spot to do an absolute 360 on his earlier promise to Ash and Muu. If this was going to work, he had to make a strong impression fast. [b]“My two companions and I are desperate cannon-fodder burdened by crippling debt. If you're heading out on a bounty, would you consider letting us come along?”[/b] It was an absolute blind shot, equal parts truthful and bold. Honesty to cover lies. Shame to cover pride. [b]“If begging would help sway your decision, I am happy to do so,”[/b] Matteo added earnestly, preparing to get down on his knees. [i]Nothing ventured, nothing gained.[/i] If they refused, he could always try someone else.