[color=chocolate][center][h1]Amber Pine[/h1] [h3]En route to Mesalon Pokecentre[/h3][/center][/color] [@Dusksong] Amber's fingers clenched around the Pokedex. She'd hoped the conclusion wouldn't come to this, but the evidence the Pokemon had uncovered could hardly be explained any other way. [color=chocolate]"Aedre..."[/color] Her expression had darkened considerably, but her gaze remained sympathetic. [color=chocolate]"No you didn't. It wasn't your fault, it's just... It seems there's trouble cropping up everywhere."[/color] She recalled what she'd asked earlier about the message to her sister, the vague hints she'd given Aedre, the details she'd left out. She'd been so preoccupied with Coral, then with Vivianne, that she hadn't thought to warn her friend about criminal activity. And researchers were supposed to be smart. [color=chocolate]"Quick! Aeshna, Tacita, fly up and look out for anyone suspicious,"[/color] she commanded. At once, the two sharp-eyed Flying types rose high into the air, scanning this way and that. Amber took a long, drawn-out breath, looking from her Pokemon to Aedre. [color=chocolate]"Remember earlier when I said things hadn't gone smoothly?"[/color] She paused, wondering how to put it. [color=chocolate]"That... was kind of an understatement. You see, there's been other less than pleasant activity around here. As in two days ago, I witnessed an attack. An attack some people think is linked to the group Team Noble. Everyone survived, thank Arceus, but this Team Noble... It says something that even the gym leader sounded a little wary when he mentioned them. I really should have told you..."[/color] Aedre's advice replayed through her mind, that if she considered someone a friend, she should tell them the truth. Why hadn't she applied that to the other researcher herself? [color=chocolate]"This may not be connected,"[/color] she continued, [color=chocolate]"but seeing as it happened here, and not long after the attack, we've got to consider the possibility that it is."[/color] Aeshna and Tacita swooped down, shaking their heads. Amber gave another sigh. [color=chocolate]"Thank you, anyway,"[/color] she said, leaning down to pet both of them. [color=chocolate]"And you, Lacey."[/color] The little Gothita had her hand placed on Aedre's leg in a gesture of comfort. Amber didn't know much about Psychic types, but given the Sneasel's Dark typing, she figured it wasn't so much the Pokemon Lacey had sensed as the fact that something significant had happened - which pointed all the more to a theft. Not just a theft, but a kidnapping. [color=chocolate]"Come on, let's take you back to Sophia, then we'll need to let Lan and Rachel know about this."[/color] On the way back to the Pokemon centre, Amber took out her Pokegear, alerting the police for good measure. [hider=Notes] [b]Pokemon Party:[/b] Kabuto "Chalcedony" lv11, Yanma "Aeshna" lv9, Rockruff "Kyra" lv13, Rowlet "Tacita" lv10, Anorith "Larimar" lv12, Sableye "Almandine" lv11 [b]Pokemon in PC:[/b] [b]Inventory:[/b] Pokeball x1, Potion x2, Dusk Ball x1[/hider] [hr] [color=orchid][center][h1]Sophia Danvers[/h1] [h3]Mesalon Pokecentre[/h3][/center][/color] [@OtomostheCrazy] [@fer1323] [@Zanavy] [color=orchid]"Hey, Lacey!"[/color] Sophia smiled down as the little Gothita broke away from the two trainers who'd just arrived. Seeing the fraught look on the usually cheerful Pokemon's face, her own expression became serious. [color=orchid]"Huh? What's wrong?"[/color] She turned her gaze to Amber and Aedre, both of whom appeared just as unsettled as Lacey. [color=orchid]"What happened?"[/color] Putting her Pokegear away, Amber sighed. [color=chocolate]"It looks like the package wasn't just lost,"[/color] she explained, [color=chocolate]"but stolen."[/color] Sophia's eyes went wide. All this, and now just when things seemed safer, a theft? [color=orchid]"Stolen? Geez, like there hasn't already been enough crime around here."[/color] [hider=Notes] [b]Pokemon Party:[/b] Gothita "Lacey" lv14, Purrloin "Grimalkin" lv13, Staryu "Arcturus" lv13, Darumaka "Lumas" lv11, Shuppet "Fantoccino" lv11, Bronzor "Clarus" lv11 [b]Pokemon in PC:[/b] [b]Inventory:[/b] Pokeball x1, TM33 (Reflect), Oran Berry x3[/hider] [hr] [center][h1][color=bc8dbf]Rachel[/color] and [color=00aeef]Lan[/color][/h1] [h3]Mesalon Gym[/h3][/center] While the conversation between Vivianne and Lan went on in the next room, Rachel waited, practically bouncing on her heels. Finally, seeing the stern-faced woman reenter the hallway, the Rock type gym leader hurried into the healing area. Gathering Pokeballs from the machine, Lan looked up. [color=00aeef]"Ah, Rachel."[/color] The other gym leader greeted her with a bow of his head. [color=00aeef]"What brings you here?"[/color] A grin spread over Rachel's face. [color=bc8dbf]"Well, I found something in the caves that I'd never stumbled across before,"[/color] she explained, bubbling with excitement like a child on the morning of their birthday. [color=bc8bdf]"I had no idea there were ancient ruins here! Not that I could get far, there was a locked door, but surely you know something about this! Surely you know where the key is!"[/color] Lan regarded her with steely eyes, the lines in his face deepening a fraction. [color=00aeef]"Those ruins belong to a civilisation that deserves respect,"[/color] he chided her, [color=00aeef]"and are not to be disturbed."[/color] Rachel's enthusiasm deflated slightly. Since Lan had never said anything about the chamber in the past, she'd half-expected an answer like this, but went on. [color=bc8dbf]"I wasn't going to disturb anything, all I wanted was to look."[/color] Her words didn't change the monk's mind. [color=00aeef]"While I don't distrust your intentions,"[/color] he continued, [color=00aeef]"as gym leaders, we have just as much of a duty to the region as we do to challengers. This includes its history as well as the safety of its inhabitants. There's no telling what would happen if the chamber were to be intruded."[/color] At the mention of duty and safety, Rachel cringed, remembering the group's encounter with the ghosts. That had been a narrow escape... and yet Lan's response had further piqued her curiosity. [color=bc8dbf]"Could you at least tell me what's in there?"[/color] she asked. Just as she'd thought, the Normal leader remained unyielding. [color=00aeef]"Nothing that anyone should interfere with."[/color] Well, this was yet another letdown. [color=bc8dbf]"Ah, well..."[/color] Rachel gave another smile, an uneasy one. [color=bc8dbf]"It sure was an interesting find. All this travelling, and there's still so much to learn about the region!"[/color] She'd just have to ask Eria, then. A Ghost type gym leader who doubled as a historian just had to know about this. And next time she caught up with Ray, she'd have a few questions for him, like why he'd never mentioned a hub of spiritual activity he must have sensed. With Rachel by his side, the ever-solemn monk headed back to the arena. [color=00aeef]"There certainly is,"[/color] he replied, [color=00aeef]"but while some level of curiosity is healthy, excessive amounts lead nowhere good. Especially untempered by caution."[/color] It was more important now than ever that the key he'd been entrusted should stay where it was. What concerned him wasn't just the risk of any dangerous being getting awakened or unleashed. If what was behind the door fell into the wrong hands, the consequences would be nothing short of dire.