[center][b]Sish~l~Jayda: Rtron and Fallenreaper Before the timeskip...[/b][/center] Jayda’s head filled with the words the Sith left her with. They were simple words but didn’t stop the foreboding feelings from sweeping throughout her, each time it surfaced and hovered before her like a deadly vibroblade just inches from slicing her neck. Her body moved automatically in her search for Sish. Her nose picked up the Lizard’s scent, barely, aged and worn by the thousands that passed over it. Jayda had managed to find a fairly fresh one that lead from the Jedi cells toward the medical wing, indicating she had just missed the Sith Lord among the ever winding halls. Not a pleasant thought in her hand. Namely cause time was of the essence and to waste it meant higher risk of losing her revenge, something that would bring her future’s questions into a light she didn’t want to face. Ignoring the facts, Jayda’s boots continued to clipped along the metal halls rerouted for the place she just had not long ago came from and wasn’t eager to return to. Inwardly she dreaded at the state of the Trandoshan in this point of the journey. It seemed he had a knack and heavy desire to get himself killed, something that Jayda wanted to struggle out of Sish since she became his Apprentice. This ship was going to be the death of her as it was, and it wouldn’t help her odds to survive if she was forced to babysit him during the whole journey. At least once, her mind had considered the option to pop into her room and clean herself up a bit only to cast the notion aside. Without her Lightsaber, both a tool and precious memoir from her past, the Zabrak felt naked. Vulnerable to whatever the ship could bring and something she needed to sort out first on her to-do list. The Apprentice only hoped Sish had managed to get her Lightsaber or she would’ve been rather…upset in the mildest of terms. The crystal within the Lightsaber itself was irreplaceable- a gift from her father- and her heart twisted to think she might’ve lost one of the few connections to her past she had managed to keep. Her form started to walk into the medical bay. She slid passed the Jedi from earlier, still within the Kolto Tank, without so much as a blink in his direction as she brought her body nearer to Sish. The Trandoshan sat upon an operation table and tested his foot, the soft and muffled machine sounds were made with each movement. Through the exposed flesh and meat, a hydraulic piece attached to the back of his heel and seemed to attach the torn ligaments where they had been snapped. Her jaw tensed in her waiting to see Sish in such a state. Gently she leaned her back against the wall; her front faced the Jedi still within the medical bay while she asked her question. “What happened this time?” Jayda’s voice was calm yet the subtle hate seemed to fill each word. Sish looked up from his foot, smelling Jayda approaching, albeit barely through the chemical smells of the medbay. A new cybernetic eye whirled in his head, glinting red and silver in the light. The surgeon had seen fit to given to him while he was operating on the Trandoshan. Sish so far had no reason to complain. She looked upset to see him in such a state, which would have warmed Sish's heart if he hadn't known that she was only angry because he kept nearly getting himself killed before she could kill him. Then again, that's how his master operated, and he turned out just fine. He gently lowered himself to the ground, making sure his new mechanical tendons would hold his weight. And that he could walk on it. Falling down in the middle of the Med bay wouldn't be very Sith Lordly, would it? The doctor who had given him his operation had rapidly explained what he had done, when Sish awoke, before darting away on some other errand. At least, Sish thought he had left on some other errand. It was entirely possible that the doctor had decided to get out of lightsaber reach as quickly as possible, given the stories that one could hear about Sish. Most of them were true. Regardless, he was standing and gingerly testing his balance when she spoke. Despite her back being towards him, he still grinned and cheerfully said, "Oh this? I've found a tipping point to make the Jedi we first tortured go to near murder. Very painful too. Sadly, I don't think I'll be allowed to use those methods any more. They're rather...brutal." It seemed he could stand. Now, walking should be simple enough. "I take it you're hear for your lightsaber? It's in my quarters." Which was next to Jaicen's quarters...Sish grinned to himself again. Explaining would be interesting. Jayda mentally had taken stock of Sish’s injuries, ones she wasn’t pleased with, as she ticked off the list. An eye damaged beyond repair, a silver and red replacement, and his foot seemed to have suffered some breakage in the Achilles heel where the mixing of Sith alchemy and artificial part to allow him to move naturally. It seemed they believed it was best not to leave the Trandoshan crippled or easy prey. She on a normal circumstances would’ve been relieved but this was a Sith ship, prejudice and hate for none humanoids were strong, something she was remind of not long ago. The scene still gave her the shivers yet she kept them in check. Last thing she wanted was Sish sensing some unease about her and then attempting to correct it in his own personal way, something she doubted she had the patience to tolerate. Her ear picked up his light step, his claws lightly test out his leg and treaded about the hard floors with a clicking sound. It wasn’t hard to track his movement even while her eyes stared at the Jedi, namely the one that continually tried her patience. She noted the cheeriness in his tone that made her suspicious, her mind worried more and more that it was him responsible for the current Jedi’s state. It won’t well if it was. At his reply, Jayda fought the urge to snap her head about and hiss out her words. Instead, she focused on remaining calm. “Yes that was my main reason but not the only one.” Her voice edged to a low, warning growl. “Now, what was the method if I might ask? I hope you didn’t disobey Nyiss’s orders and happen to cut off a Jedi’s leg in your little method.” Sish noticed with some interest Jayda's constant staring at the Jedi who had escaped her. Apparently she was feeling irritated with him. Not that Sish could really blame her, given the fact that he had not only escaped her, but stolen her lightsaber as well. He continued walking past her as she spoke. "Oh? And what would your other reasons be?" His ankle seemed to be holding up well enough, and he could see well enough with his eye. At her final question, he let out a laugh. "Nothing like that, I assure you. His leg had been sliced off before I even entered the prison cell. No, my method was far more effective." He kept silent as he walked, knowing she was following even without her scent. He was her connection to her lightsaber, and she couldn't kill him without her lightsaber, even she knew that. Hate didn't block common sense, thankfully enough. He kept his silence, all the way to his room, opening the door and gesturing in. Jacien's doorway was open, and troopers were cleaning up the mess Sish had left behind. In Sish's room, Jayda's lightsaber was laying on the dresser, right where he had left it before going to kill a Sith and Jedi. "There it is." He said, clearly still cheerful. Jayda had thought her other reasoning would’ve been clear tio Sish, namely as she hinted with her next question. From the corner of her eye, she noted the Trandoshan's head bob towards the Jedi and then to her. He seemed to realize she held some secret animosity towards the Jedi which wasn't a surprise. However there was more reasons then the one Sish likely believed to make her hate and in a faint way, admire the man's stubborness. The latter was most due to the Zabrak within her as the race was known for their warrior like nature and stubborness. Unfortunately the Jedi didn't seem to realize his resistance might end up not hurting him but rather others. She found it a slightly surprise none of the other Sith onboard had found the Jedi's key weak point and captialize upon inorder. His laughter caused her jerk her head into his direction, his works entirely too pleased with his word as they sent a icy shiver down her spine. Jayda didn't like Sish's meaning or the fact something seemed a miss while she was within the Kolto Tank. Her hate had started to rise, yet she slammed it back down, weakly and hastily to control it. Now wasn't the time to lose her temper. When the Lizard started to walk by her, she started to follow him. They started down the hall in utter silence, something she was grateful for since any more words would've risked provoking a reaction from her. Jayda didn't want to test herself against Sish. Any chance she took might prove her suspicions about her power correct and if she failed in her attempt to kill him, then he would simply end her life right there. She focused on calming her mind while they traveled along the hallways to where her light saber was probably kept, her will forced the bubbling emotions down for a time. At least until they by passed one that belonged to another Sith. Her eyes narrowed upon the clear carnage, obviously Sish’s work, along the way to the Trandoshan's room. Their figures vanished through the hissing doors that sealed tightly. Jayda the last one in while her eyes noted where her light saber was. Her steps walked toward the dresser which her hand gripped the weapon and pulled it close, her eyes quickly examine it for anything out of place or tampering. Though nothing seemed out of place on the outside, she won't dare go through with the sudden thoughts plaguing her mind when thinking upon what might've occurred in her absence. It wasn't farfetch to say she was tempted. Her eyes turned back to Sish. "It seems you've been busy while I was in the Kolto Tank. From the sight of the mess next door, it seems you've gotten reckless. What hell have you been up to?" Jayda asked, her voice tried to remain calm. Sish chuckled. She obviously knew him well enough by now to recognize his handy work. "Well, it's a rather simple subject. I came back here, put down your lightsaber, and turned around to find Minder in the room with me. We had a rather nice chat, and he gave me two people to kill. One of them was Lord Jacien. He's in quite a few pieces now. The other was the reason I pushed a Jedi to the brutal killing limit. As it turns out, they don't particularly like it if you kill one of their friends in an irrevocable and very bloody manner." He grinned at her, seeing all the signs of a near snapping point with her. "Though, if he was trying to get me killed, there are far easier ways than having me murder both a Sith and Jedi. And seeing as I was able to go through with the operation to get me a lovely new eye and have my ankle fixed, it appears he's as good as his word." That little final tidbit of information didn't seem to appease her, judging from her anger seeping into the air around them. Well, well. It seemed he [i]could[/i] get her to release that tight lid she kept on her emotions still. Good. He was beginning to get worried that she was falling into the teaching of the Jedi cowards. He sat down in the chair next to a desk in the rather basic and bare room, waiting for her to explode. He knew he had done something that she would view as stupid, and that she was only angry because he nearly cost her her chance to kill him. Now it was just time to sit back and watch. In pure reflex she uttered some words, likely unsavory, at Sish's bluntly stupid act. It went on for a moment before her mind realize how much she wanted to strangle him right then and there. Her hands balled up at her side until the knuckles were whitened, the nails seemed on the verge to draw her own blood while they sank into the skin. Jayda's chest heaved up and down, breathing hard, seeing him move across to chair nearby as she fought for control. It took untold restrain and willfulness to slowly calm herself. A feat she wondered if even she was able to do with Sish's pure stupidity. Her eyes closed, the lack of his image aided her efforts, and her words slowly turned back into basic. However the snappish tone hadn't had enough time to fade. "I know you're not this stupid, not after my fucking trials and the shit you put me through. Not after you left me, weaponless, bleeding and tied up to die upon Kashyyk with my ship several clicks away. And that was least of the hell you put me through. If you want to die then you should've just let it happen back on Iridonia then to drag this out and die here. You don't realize if that was a Sith in disguise who could've been tricking you into committing an act against the Darth on this ship. What is the point of this if you die?" Sish inclined his head in acknowledgement. "It very well could have been a Sith in disguise. But it's almost impossible to get someone's scent completely correct. And that man smelled exactly like Minder. And we come back to my point that there are far easier and smarter ways to have me killed than to have me kill both a Sith Lord and a Jedi. Every Sith on this ship knows how I work. I keep my nose out of politics, and only concentrate on killing Jedi. The only reason we're even here is because we needed a trip back to Korriban to continue your training. "There are others on this ship that are scrambling and clawing for Darth Nyiss's favor. Killing me would do very little, if anything, to garner that favor. Even if she despises me, I'm [i]impure[/i]. I'm not a challenge, I'm a dumb lizard. To them, I'm not smart enough for complex plans. If they want to kill me, they feel they don't have to do anything so complex as to create a disguise with a perfect smell of Minder, looking exactly like him, and then telling me to kill a Sith Lord and a Jedi. Besides, Jedi are too valuable. It's too early for them to tell who will and who won't join us, or what information they have." "Then why risk it? There are so many Sith that would enjoy to see something as Impure as you or me dead. Enough to make way for someone more pure or worthy to take our place, something I'm continually finding myself reminding you of. It is against the Law for a Sith to kill another yet it's encouraged to allow 'accidents' of unknown causes to happen. It might be overkill to waste better methods on something like you but someone might find it worth the work." She was already baring her teeth slightly, her calm threatened to break loose and shatter within her. He studied her for a moment, sensing the anger leaking out, before speaking once more. "It'd be better if you didn't keep it so rigidly controlled. Emotions are our fuel for our powers. They're meant to be used as they are. Not resisted and controlled and suppressed." Jayda felt the strong desire to slice the Trandoshan in half but stopped herself, her thumb lingered towards the button and settled just beneath it. She easily stopped herself with the thought it might've been tampered with, the explosion from the torture room still a fresh scar upon her memory. At his words she answered in a tone of pure acid. "I'm not an animal like you..." Sish gave a harsh laugh. "You're in a world of animals! Every Sith on this ship is an animal, fighting and scheming for their emotions. Some are just far better at hiding it than others. Every Sith on this ship uses their emotions rather than rigidly controlling them, and they are thriving in this world. If you don't learn how to stop keeping your emotions on such a tight leash, they will tear you apart, or manipulate you, or whatever suits their whims. Your control isn't a strength, it's a weakness. A weakness they will use against you. You don't have to become one of them. But you will have to fight fire with fire, and if they have the advantage, they will win and you will die or worse. Consider me your...test. The only way you're going to be able to kill me is if you let go. What happens after that is up in the air." He gestured with his arm to encompass the ship as a whole. "They might find it worth the work to go through such lengths to kill me, but only if they suspect I'm smart enough that simple ploys won't work. Which they don't. And I'm quite happy with that. Pleasure killings tend to take less priority than killings that keep them alive. Which is what we are. Despised, and able to be killed at their leisure. And that can be used against them." Jayda couldn't believe what she was hearing, mostly due to his tactics and the fact they still haven't changed. He failed to see that was a reality already for the only decent, at least the way she had learned, Sith had killed all his enemies or proved useful as a tool. Through many forgot one simple fact. A tool was often viewed to be least threatening and could easily, given the chance, slit the throat of it's user. She snarled a bit in her answer. "And risk not being strong enough? You'd kill me if I tried, we both know I expended my chances when I first became your Apprentice. I already doubt you've been able to keep your end and make me stronger. Besides, you did some manipulating yourself after you couldn't break me..." She let the truth either sting or linger before she added. "I have enough problems then worrying about keeping you alive long enough to kill you. In my search for you, I had gotten the attention of an older Sith, a Pureblood, without meaning to. It means I might've just placed a target on my back after our encounter." Sith shook his head. " I'd kill you if you tried to kill me before you were ready. As for your doubts, you're mistaken. You have become stronger. The child that tried to kill me in Kashyyk would have died in Coruscant. You, as you are now, would have killed the three Wookies with your bare hands and then came for me. You lack a strength I can't teach you, as I lack considerably in that area as well. And I didn't manipulate you. I made you a promise. Become my Apprentice, and I'll give you the means to kill me. And I have. There is every chance you could attack me and win as you are now. There is also every chance that I would beat you. To assure victory, you need to find a teacher in the area I can't teach you." He raised an eyebrow at her mention of the Pureblood. "It depends on who the Pureblood is. If he's someone like Nyiss, then yes. You've got a target on your back because others will want you dead to take your place. If he's relatively unknown and hasn't shown the usual arrogance and hate, use him. He can surely teach you something to become stronger. " Jayda felt like she was pounding against a brick when it came to understanding Sish, the Trandoshan just didn't give or realize the position she was in. It was exactly her point that she didn't attack him anymore. There was little way to gauge her strength again him without some method to prove his words true, currnetly just as useful as breathing a room filled with poison was. The apprentice knew explaining would do no good for her, the Lizard's mind set and anchored in his own sense of logic. It was if he expected her to know when she would ready. An impossiblity she found irritating because she couldn't allow herself to risk losing. Her brother had died at this monster's claws and even the chance he would live would be something Jayda refuse to have become a possibility. She almost bitterly laughed at his comment about the promise and answered. "A promise? A promise that was made after your first tactic failed miserbly. It was your last option other then killing me, something I can't understand to this day why you didn't. As for the Pureblood, I've no idea. He is the first older Sith I've encountered which worries me as he's either very clever or powerful, both unsettling notions. He wasn't exactly like the others I've met and you know as well as I do, any attention I get here will likely have terrible results. At the rate you keep trying to kill yourself means I've got more work then needed." Jayda had put away her light saber within her robes, now more eager to leave but not before she finished with Sish. "Anyone can use me if I allow and one of the few fact which keep me alive to gain only the needed power. Even your promise is nothing more a means to use me, not that it matters if your recklessness continues. I'll leave up to him if he wishes to but I won't seek him out for it. I don't want to draw unneeded attention." Sish shrugged. Her hate and animosity having no effect anymore. If it ever did. His robot eye twinkled a bright red as he responded. "I never said it was my first choice. Merely that I made you a promise. And it would be a waste of such potential to just kill you. After all, you do have potential, even if you don't utilize it. This Pureblood, he's likely both. Power is nothing if you aren't clever enough to keep yourself alive in their politics. Being clever is useless if you don't have the power to get yourself out of situations designed to kill you. I would tell you to be careful around him, but being careful is something you do best." That was one trait of his he had been grateful that it hadn't passed on. "To survive you...I have to be." Jayda simply answered. Her boot started to walk to the door, the need to get her emotions managed became a more important task then simply covering her tracks now. Merely because the results would've been far worse as she would likely risk lashing out instinctively and finding herself being excuted like the last foolish Apprentice she heard of. The one paralyzed, carried over to a pit and dropped to be eaten alive. It wasn't a fate Jayda wanted and any sane creature would've avoided it, something she very much was. Sish said nothing as she left. No matter how this trip ended, it seemed assured that his Apprentice would learn a few things that he couldn't teach her on this ship. Maybe it would help her survive the politics of the Sith, rather than avoid them at all costs. His existence was a tenouos one, only tolerated because of his remarkable talent for killing things, and the fact that a war had been going on with the Jedi up until recently. Now though...maybe they would keep him around. Maybe they would kill him before Jayda could. Regardless, death seemed to be in his future. Sish leaned back in his chair, and smiled.