[center][h1][color=crimson]Lance[/color][/h1][/center] [hider=Adventure Log] Moves: -Scratch - - - Health: Full Health Status: None Ability: Defiant(Raises Attack when a stat is lowered) Inventory: Empty Quest: Find a way to get back home. [/hider] [hr] By the time Lance came to his senses, the pain in his head had faded. The ground beneath him was cold, hard stone, certainly not the level of comfort he was used to. As he opened his eyes, he was expecting to find himself lying in the same place that he was knocked out. Instead, though, he was greeted with something far more unusual. He was in a cave somewhere, surrounded by a bunch of strange creatures. Not only that, but his body had been completely transformed. His hands had been replaced by what appeared to be small daggers, and there were a few more blades protruding from his chest and stomach. He listened in on the conversation the others were having. Apparently, they were all formerly human, so Lance wasn't alone in that regard. Starting with Trever the orange lizard, the others began to introduce themselves. The floating head was named Vi, the more sinister-looking of the two snakes was Ravi, and the bird was named Celina. [color=crimson]"I am Lance."[/color] He chimed in. After bringing himself to his feet, he wandered over to the mouth of the cave. His eyes scanned the cave's surroundings, searching for any sign of civilization, but there appeared to be nothing but wilderness. At this point, one of the cave's other inhabitants began throwing some kind of tantrum. It seemed that the other snake thought they'd been kidnapped. [color=crimson]"Someone calm down the stupid-looking one. I'd rather walk out into the rain alone than endure the sound of their voice for a second longer."[/color]