[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/xPZoDGJ.jpg[/img] [h2][color=silver]Ferrin Astra[/color][/h2] [h3]Tenrou Team - A Day to Remember [/h3][/center] [center] [sub]Direct interaction: [@MarshiestMallow], [@YipeeXD], [@Zarkun] [/sub] [hider=Everyone Else] [sub] [@T2wave] [@Hatakekuro] [@LightningMaiden] [@Lunarlord34] [@Burthstone] [@Silver Fox] [@CitrusArms] [@Demon Shinobi] [@Joshua Tamashii] [/sub] [/hider] [/center] As the magic from the spell took effect, Ferrin felt Time Lord pop up, good as new, next to him. [color=silver]"Won't work."[/color] He managed in reply through gritted teeth, almost losing focus on the spell. He didn't have the time to explain that the wards on his coat don't discriminate between malefic or beneficial magic, blocking both. It was a shield, not a checkpoint. Only Ferrin's own magic, as the original weaver of the spells, would bypass it. That was an aspect he was working on changing, but at the time, and even now, he didn't have the magical know-how to make the enchantments function like that. A new player joined, a light Godslayer. He consumed the remainder of the roar that had gone wide, and launched his own roar, powered up by the dragon's. It didn't do much, but it drew the dragon's attention. Ferrin's breathing slowed. His vision narrowed. He was only marginally aware of the rest of the battle, mostly on the lookout for a surprise attack or stray spell. Voices and explosions blurred together into a meaningless quiet background, analyzed and dismissed. He plotted quickly and placed his plan firmly in his mind, along with every variation he could come up with. And with that, he shifted his stance, just slightly, then: vanished. There was a rush of displaced air, and a cloud of sand was kicked up. He was moving in a blur, crossing several hundred meters in just a fraction of a second. He would come more into view a few meters to the side, blur again, and then reappear further to one side or the other, zig-zagging in an attempt to disguise the direction of his approach. However, dragon followed him with keen eyes. It bunched up in preparation, then lashed out with a heavy claw at surprising speed at seemingly empty air. Ferrin appeared once again. This time in an acrobatic jump in the air above the dragon's claw. He kicked off the passing foreleg, spring boarding himself higher into the air, rising level with the white dragon's head. With a cry he swung his sword, erupting into a storm of slashes, striking sparks like lightning from the dragon's scales. His sword paused just long enough for him to raise his gauntlet, curling into a fist and propel himself forward with a magical explosion into the side of the dragon's head. But the combat wizard wasn't done yet. He used the impact to rebound clear, landing in a feral crouch, sword outstretched. From the feel through his sword, he knew that none of those slashes even left a mark. The impact has done better, but leaving nothing more then a bruise. That was expected, but he had to try to get the feel of how strong it's scales were, and lucky hit to the eye could turn the battle in his favor. Plan B. He fell back, supporting the Godslayer by irritating the beast with lighting quick sword dashes moving back and forth with his sword outstretched. He and another wizard tried for a team up, but the slayer wasn't fast enough. He was hit hard and pinned. Ferrin let out a shout and thrust out a metal hand. In it, a ball of silver energy gathered, trailing a tail of energy. It pulsed with mystic light as the air around it shivered. Raw Aether. Wild Magic. [color=silver]"Aether Comet!"[/color]. Then, with a step and a quick wind up, he threw the spell like a fastball special. The magic missile flashed through the air, detonating off the side of the dragon's head, with a deafening explosion, engulfing it's entire head in the explosion. The dragon shook the air with another roar, but this one was full of pain. Hot, crimson blood, steaming even in the hot air trickled down the side of it's head in slow drops, marring it's pristine white scales. It had been wounded. It swung it's gaze, full of rage toward the punny human who had somehow injured it, opened it's jaw, and reared back as it inhaled once again. This time, there would be no escape. Ferrin desperately threw up a shield, mentally cursing the clumsy slayer, knowing that he couldn't block or avoid this roar. He planted his feet as a semi-circular shimmering barrier appeared between him and the dragon. He brought himself up, hand outstretched. If he was going to die, he was going to face his death head-on. But the blast never came. The dragon had frozen. Instead, a wave of dark energy crashed over Ferrin. He immediately placed it as the uneasy energy that he had been feeling on the island the entire time. And now he had a name for it. Zeref. Wait. Zeref? He let his shield and other spells drop, also coming out of Heart of Steel like a swimmer breaching the surface, noting as he did that his breathing was ragged in a way that had less to do with adrenaline, and more to do with his magic reserves: he was running out. His magic, he estimated, was nearly half gone. He had been tossing aether out in a way that he rarely did, and shouldn't be doing. He slumped as exhaustion began to set in. This lull in the battle, while not boding well, was a welcome breather for the Aether Wizard. Zeref. He knew, of course, of the present day legends around this dark wizard. But the Zeref Ferrin knew was a very different one. Truth be told, he didn't actually know much, but Mavis had told them a little about the mysterious figure who taught the Founders magic. And...more if one read between the lines. And that was a very different man from the legends. Given, that was nearly two centuries ago. So which was the truth? Was this really the same man? And if so... How was he still alive? But wait. Deep questions be damned: there was a wisecrack to be had. [color=silver]"What's,"[/color] [I]huff huff[/I] [color=silver]"Wrong, Guildmaster?[/color] He called out, his jocular tone cutting through the tension. [color=silver]"You and your old flame have a falling out?"[/color]