[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=C646C5]Klara Thordattir[/color] & [color=pink]Cuyler Eysteinsson[/color][/i][/b][/h1][/center] [hr][hr] Cuyler and Arya did not part on good terms but part they did. Prince Myrus was well enough now, Arya was stable and Cuyler’s mother Klara, was about to help him learn more of this power he had recently acquired. Cuyler stood on the deck of the Hefring, opening and closing his hands. The water sat still below them but it was as foreign to him as his own hands now were. He sighed, frustrated and lost with himself. He turned and looked back at the woman on his ship. [color=pink]”Why now? Why did this power come to me now?”[/color] Of course there was also the underlying question of why she had come to him now, claiming to be his mother but he let the weight of that question fall between them. He wanted answers yes but more than that he wanted to learn. Let Arya remain the voice of reason so that he may yearn as a young child would. Meanwhile, the doors opened to the public and Thia, Cuyler's Night Transformer, was finally set free. She chased all the cats out of the tower, slipping through the people's legs easily as she chased one down until they climbed a fence. Thia didn't linger long but trotted off happily, feeling accomplished as she went on a hunt for food. [color=C646C5]"It depends... For Asgardians, out powers come to us very young, but even then not all of our abilities show up at once. One of the main reasons I was labelled as a water goddess as opposed to the goddess of love and hatred... When my abilities first showed themselves, I was able to manipulate water, and well, breathe underwater, and many had expected me to manipulate an element of some sort because of my father. Your powers appeared now because you were emotional, Arya had just collapsed and you couldn't do anything to help her, it is not too uncommon for powers to appear that way."[/color] It made sense, Cuyler had to admit to that. It took a lot to make him angry but when he was, it was all-consuming. He leaned over the railing, his hands pressed on flat board and stared at the water below. [color=pink]"Did you know when it happened? Is that why you came to the Castle?"[/color] He couldn't imagine they would have met if he didn't. Why would she bother? He was sure she had more than one child. [color=C646C5]"...Yes, well, that was the reason I more specifically went to the Palace when I came to Midgard... I was going to come to the Castle anyway, my nephew is getting married after all and I'd been invited to the wedding."[/color] He looked over at Klara, child-like wonder in his eyes. He couldn't help but get giddy or caught up with the Myth of Four and they were here, getting married in Wizard Tower and it was open to everyone to go. His mother was their Aunt, making him related as well. It was a incredibly surreal moment. He blushed a bit and rubbed the back of his neck, trying to shove the prickling sensation moving up his arms and excitement away. [color=pink]"So, how do I use my power without, getting emotional?"[/color] he asked. [color=C646C5]"Now, that is the difficult part of any sort of power... Learning what triggers it, and how to use that sort of trigger to your advantage. Your anger, what caused that little bit of an explosion of sorts in the Palace, it was because Arya was hurt or in danger correct? All you need to do, is find out how to trigger that feeling, without losing control... I used to have that problem, always was told when I was younger I had inherited my mother's temper, and perhaps I had, I've gotten control over it, do to years of practice... It might take a while in order for you to completely master it, but you will gain control over it eventually,"[/color] she said, giving him a bit of a smile. This sort of thing came a lot easier to her than it likely would for him, so all she had to do was be patient, hopefully she could manage that. It wasn't too much of a concern though, she knew that he'd already done part of the difficult task, which was figuring out the trigger, hopefully he could figure out how to trigger them without losing control. [color=pink]"Anger is a pilot who always steers his ship onto rocks. It is a poor guide… but an excellent motivator,"[/color] Cuyler stated. He sighed and rubbed his face with both hands. Even his father used to comment on his temper when he was younger. He had gotten good at stamping it down, only lashing out in the gravest of circumstances. He wasn't used to, embracing that side of him again. [color=pink]"Is there no other way?"[/color] he asked his mother. He wasn't even sure what would get him angry enough anymore. Other than harm coming to Arya or being prevented from tending to her. [color=C646C5]"I know anger is not something that you would want to mess with... But perhaps there is another thing that can trigger it... Despite not caring to be called a Water Goddess, the ocean I always find calming... And it helps me to focus on my powers... Perhaps that can help you..."[/color] He smiled a little and looked at the water. It had always been his happy place. This ship after all held more memories and love for him than his own homeland did. [color=pink]"I have always loved the water and the sky above it,"[/color] he declared. [color=pink]"How do I go about, connecting or manipulating the water I guess?"[/color] [color=C646C5]"Well I usually just jump into the water... Or sit on a beach with my feet in the ocean... Something like that usually works..."[/color] [color=pink]"Well, I do need to wash before this wedding,"[/color] Cuyler stated. He removed his shoes and shirt before he hopped up onto the railing. He grinned at his mom before he launched himself, doing a front flip into the water and dove under the smooth surface. He popped back up a few feet away and shook the water off his head. He laid himself out, staring up at the sky and shut his eyes, thinking of his former family and his new family. Thia, Klara and of course, Arya. He wished she were here, wished she could see him do this rather than wake up and be soaked from what he had done. Klara smiled slightly at him, before she stepped off the edge of the boat and went into the water herself, a moment later, she resurfaced and ended up standing on the surface of the water. It didn't seem like she had gotten soaked by water from her brief time underwater either. [color=C646C5]"Focus on what is important Cuyler, stay calm, and try to connect to the ocean and the waves..."[/color] Cuyler looked up at his mom and stared at her in awe for a moment. He definitely wanted to learn how to do that. He shut his eyes and listened to the sounds of the sea. The birds overhead, the commotion on the docks and the water itself. It was still today, eerily calm but that seemed to be working for him. There were times back home when he would sit on the beach and just watch the water roll in, the sea creatures playing in distance and the birds diving for the meals. The water contained a whole world in itself, separate from the chaos occurring on land. Another dream popped into his head, but one of the future. It was Arya, dressed down in a simple cotton dress with her hair down and her face smooth, free of any stress. He sighed happily and as his mind focused the waters under him began to stir, responding to his simple hand movements of pushing the water back and forth. Waves started and in his excitement of getting somewhere, he lost control of it and it fell away from him. [color=pink]"Did you see that!"[/color] [color=C646C5]"Yes, I did Cuyler, nice job,"[/color] she said, giving him a smile. [color=C646C5]"You likely can breathe underwater as well if you tried to, the trick is to remaining calm, like the ocean..."[/color] Klara continued, before she dropped down completely and was swallowed by the waves surrounding her. This time she didn't resurface. He grinned and looked at the water around him, a new appreciation for it. He looked at Klara just as she disappeared under the water. He waited a moment but she didn't resurface. Even with her power, he was sure she could hold her breath for quite a long time. He took a breath, reminding himself to remain calm, that he knew how to swim and hold is breath. Still, it didn't help that one of his biggest fears was drowning. Calm, focus on what is important. Calm. Focus. He chanted to himself repeatedly before he took a deep breath and let himself slip beneath the dark surface. He opened his eyes, trying to locate Klara. He looked up at the sky above him, he was close enough that if it all went south he would be able to save himself. Counting down from five, Cuyler took his first breath underwater and found, that he could breath easily, just as the fish under the sea. It was as if the water flowed through him, was now apart of him. It was an invigorating feeling. It was a high he never wanted to come down from. [color=C646C5]"Nice job Cuyler,"[/color] Klara's voice said, before she easily swam around, surrounded by fish. It was effortless for her to do something like that, breathing underwater was just as natural as breathing on land was for her, so she looked at him, saying nothing. He beamed with pride. [color=pink]"This is incredible!"[/color] he found himself saying as easily as breathing. He started to swim around now, moving under his boat and the others before he arched back towards his mom. Everything was different now. If only Arya were here to see him! He swam with his mom, pleased to bond in such a way but he wanted to try more. He moved up to the surface, continuing to breathe like he wasn't just underwater. He looked at the water around him and moved his hands, trying to get the waves from before but to create more height with them. He tried several times but the waters did not respond to him. This however did not deter Cuyler, he simply laughed and swam along the surface to the dock, lifting himself up out of the water and sat on the dock, his feet still in the water. Klara easily made her way to the surface of the water, standing on it as easily as if it had been land, but she still wasn't soaked or anything from the water, almost like she had never stepped in. She walked over and took a seat next to him. [color=C646C5]"So... Tell me about Arya,"[/color] she asked suddenly, figuring he could use a break from learning about his powers to talk about something else. Cuyler didn't mind the water dripping off of him in the least. It felt better than it ever had before. He leaned back on his hands and looked forward as Klara came to the surface. She was still completely dry and it amazed him. He was sure he would learn that too but for now, he kicked his feet in the water as he once did as a child. His mother finally asked the question about Arya and his face warmed entirely. He smiled a moment before it fell. He turned his head, looking back at Wizard Tower even though she wasn't there. Where did he even start when it came to Arya. [color=pink]"We met a few years ago, she came into the market and we became fast friends. Ever since then, I looked forward to the days when we would get to travel back here so I could show her the other treasures we would bring forward. I liked her but I didn't know how much until just over a year ago."[/color] He laughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck before he leaned forward, resting his arms on his legs. [color=pink]"I could go on about her forever."[/color] [color=C646C5]"That's good to hear,"[/color] she said with a laugh, before she got a bit more serious about it. [color=C646C5]"Cuyler... I don't want to come between you and Arya, and I fear that I may have... I understand her skepticism, despite me already showing things in good faith. I'm known to be a bit of a trickster, always have been, and I thought that was something she might need to know up front. I don't want to come between the two of you, and I sense that I may have. I also know that it sometimes is difficult for people to understand things like this, when they were raised to believe otherwise. Just... Don't give up on her, the two of you are meant to be, and perhaps if there are any problems between the two of you because of me, maybe you see about pushing through that, and in time she will come to understand."[/color] The young man sighed. This was his first, anything. Sure he flirted here and there in order to get a sale but none of it was real. Arya was real, his soulmate. He nodded along after his mother finished speaking. [color=pink]"This [b]Sickenesse[/b], it's changed everything. She's lost without her [b]Magyk[/b], at least that is what it seems to me. Mom, I can't loose her but she won't quit. Everything is for the Castle, for her position. Even her disagreeing with who you are, what I am doing. It's for my benefit and I don't know what to do. I've told her of our gods, how the stories are written in the stars. She knows much but she still doesn't seem to fully believe, to trust things out of her control."[/color] He felt at ease speaking with Klara, calling her mom. He had mourned his mother but he was now gifted with another. He wouldn't let that pass him by. [color=C646C5]"I understand where she is coming from Cuyler, I always do... Actually, in her position I likely would do the exact same thing. If a Sicknesse had come to Asgard, and I was ill, my magic and power effected but I believed that they could help others, I'd do exactly what she has been doing. Perhaps instead of trying to make her see things from your perspective, perhaps you should try to see things from hers, and support the decisions that she makes, instead of trying to stop her. I know from experience having the people who you care about on your side, no matter how dire things appear, makes all the difference in the world..."[/color] He frowned, becoming a bit defensive. [color=pink]"But she doesn't see things from my perspective. She's denied you! Despite everything I've told her about you."[/color] Cuyler didn't hide his frustration from her. He didn't feel the need to. [color=C646C5]"I understand that Cuyler, but here is the thing, she doesn't know the ways of the Land of Long Nights, but that isn't the only thing. She is being cautious Cuyler, and in her place, I would do the same... She's acting the way she does because she cares about you and doesn't want to see you get hurt... My family is no stranger to skeptics and the like here, you must know that. The two of you belong together, but you need to try and meet her halfway when it comes to belief systems... I know it might be hard, but, I think the two of you can work things out. It doesn't help that she is fighting the Sicknesse off, I truthfully believe that she might be a little worried, scared even, because it is something she knows almost nothing about. Cuyler, the two of you can work things through, I know you can, but you have to trust in your love for her, and put small things like that aside, at least until she is more prepared to potentially understand them. Perhaps after the Sicknesse has been dealt with, things will be better and she will be more open, but you just have to be patient and trust in your feelings for her..."[/color] Cuyler remained silent, staring at the water, daring it to react to his anger and frustration. Why did he have to be the bigger person? Why did he have to accept her fear and concerns but she didn't have to? Then there was this [b]Sickenesse[/b]. Something that was far beyond her control. Something that she feared, perhaps Cuyler was the only one who saw that but he did. [color=pink]"I love her. I would do anything for her,"[/color] he admitted. [color=C646C5]"Than be there for her Cuyler... One of my powers is seeing others emotions, even the ones that they don't share with others. Arya is trying to be brave, and strong for everyone else, holding back what she is thinking. Be there for her Cuyler, no matter what happens, if you stay by her, I am positive the relationship between you two will be stronger than ever before. She's scared, and she needs someone to be there for her, even if she might seem like she doesn't want you to be."[/color] He looked over at her, his vision swimming for a minute before it cleared and he nodded. He shifted uncomfortably for a moment. [color=pink]"Maybe you can remind me every once in awhile?"[/color] he asked hopefully. Just because Arya had a hard time with her didn't mean he was going to stop getting to know her, getting to know his power. [color=C646C5]"Of course Cuyler... Besides, now I have more of an excuse to perhaps visit Midgard..."[/color] she said with a smile. [color=C646C5]"Still though, be there for her Cuyler, it may not seem like it, but she needs you now more than ever, so don't abandon her."[/color] He grinned, pleased that she would say such a thing and want to be present in his life. How could Arya doubt that? Klara didn't have to extend such an invitation but she was and he would be there at the wedding with her as well. He smiled faded a little as she brought Arya up again. [color=pink]"Do you think I would abandon her?"[/color] he questioned. She was bringing it up a awful lot. Perhaps she knew something he didn't. [color=C646C5]"The only reason I am saying that, is because I have known too many couples over the years, whose relationship fell apart, despite the two being meant to be. It is because one ends up with an illness, or the two face a hardship that they can not overcome. I do not want this to happen to you. I'm not going to lie to you Cuyler, things like that, it actually hurts me more than people would know, as my powers over the heart, well... Things like that actually take a toll on me, though not many people realize it...I just want you to stay with her, not give up, no matter what happens..."[/color] she said softly, looking into the water falling silent. She had seen couples over the years get torn apart from everything, war, disease, everything. It hurts her almost as much as those involved, and she is truly worried about Cuyler and Arya. Cuyler remained silent as well. That was something not shared in the stories he knew of her, or of the Gods for that matter. He looked away from her, gazing out into the port and gave her some time. Slowly, Cuyler reached out and took Klara's hand within his own. He held on securely. He was hoping she would find comfort with the simple action. [color=pink]"I can promise you that I will try with Arya. I haven't given up on her, I'm just... frustrated. But could you make me a promise as well?"[/color] he asked and looked over at her. [color=C646C5]"Oh? What is it Cuyler?"[/color] she asked him. [color=pink]"What you did earlier... When I kissed Arya in front of the Prince and healer? Please don't do that again. I appreciate the advice and I am sure I will need more in the future, as I've never really had an opportunity to ask but that was too much."[/color] [color=C646C5]"Understandable... Old habits die hard, used to do that sort of thing all the time when I was younger... Ended up with younger brothers because of it actually... Anyway, sure thing, no more things like that, don't worry."[/color] He rose an eyebrow at his mother before he laughed and shook his head. He was sure there many stories that he did not know. Stories he hoped to learn all about one day. [color=pink]"Thank you, but I think I should start getting ready now. I'd like to go see Arya before the wedding. You wouldn't happen to know where she is right now would you?"[/color] [color=C646C5]"I believe she is in the library, up in the Palace I think..."[/color] she said, having hesitated for a moment to use her powers to find her. [color=pink]"Thank you,"[/color] he leaned in and kissed Klara's cheek before releasing her hand and stood. Just then he heard a familiar bark and Thia came bounding down the dock. She stopped a few feet away, seeing Klara there and paused a moment. She scented the air, ears flicking as she took a couple steps and then barked happily before trotting over to meet the new person. Cuyler was curious how Thia would react once she shifted form. Klara laughed slightly at Thia, giving the creature a smile, before petting her gently on the head. [color=C646C5]"Well, you best be going if you wish to speak with Arya before the wedding... At the wedding I could introduce you to your grandfather, my father Thor, he'll be there..."[/color] Cuyler smiled as Thia shifted over so Klara would scratch behind her ears; her favourite spot. He nodded along to her speaking. Yes, he had to finish getting ready too. He really needed to shave and of course dress in something a little more fitting for a big wedding. Especially since his mother and Th.... Cuyler looked up from Thia to the All-Mother. His eyes were as round as dinner plates. [color=pink]"Thor is going to be there? Thor? God of Thunder Thor?"[/color] He questioned, like there would be another one. [color=C646C5]"Yes Thor, the God of Thunder, after all, Bruce is his nephew, why is that at all surprising?"[/color] she said with a laugh as she started scratching Thia behind the ear. Cuyler ran his hands over his head to the back of his neck where they interlocked and he hung back his head. Could this day get any more amazing? [color=pink]"It's not surprising it's just... Amazing! I mean, we used to pretend to be all the different gods when we were younger. We always fought over Thor. I mean, I preferred Bruce cause it's well Bruce and he's getting married, here, of all places and all his siblings are going to be there and his parents and now you and now Thor! It's just... wow."[/color] Cuyler was a buzz of energy and excitement now. Arya had to come to the wedding now! She had to meet all these people. Klara just chuckled at that, wondering what all was going through his head. She could sense the emotions, but couldn't really tell what it was he was thinking, so all she could really do was smile, saying nothing at all. Cuyler blushed a little when he looked back at Klara and she was just smiling at him. [color=pink]"Um, if you want Thia can stick with you while I get ready. After I finish getting ready though I'm going to go see Arya but I'll meet you at the front doors to the Wizard's Tower so I can escort you into your nephew's wedding,"[/color] Cuyler said. His cheeks were still flushed from the excitement of meeting all these people soon and he was still feeling the thrill of his power and the closeness his was developing with his mom. With a parting smile, Cuyler hurried onto the Hefring to finish getting ready. [hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=#006400]Amarantha[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img] https://data.whicdn.com/images/79246868/original.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=#006400]Location:[/color]The Palace ---> Her Bedroom ---> The Barracks Skills: Leadership; [/center][hr] After Amarantha had sent the servant back to the kitchens for a better drink to warm the lot of them, she sent for messenger rat after messanger rat. One message was sent to her guard, requesting the presence of [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/65/f3/37/65f33710946cc649d806dc60c7a62080.jpg]Phoenix[/url] and [url=https://data.whicdn.com/images/218287178/superthumb.jpg?t=1452375988]Alcott[/url]. They were to guard Valda while Amarantha was otherwise preoccupied. Next she sent for several workers to start moving Princess Luna’s effects to a new room. After that, Amarantha set out to her room. She showered quickly rather than linger like she enjoyed doing most. She dressed in a new [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f7/8a/a0/f78aa014c0083f35cc4d4b3f2b3d347d.jpg]dress[/url]. Perhaps it was a bit of flash but she would blend better in this than in her fighting gear. At the very least if something were to happen with the wedding, she would be able to blend in with the colourfully dressed crowd and decorations in order to get to the source of commotion more effectively. She moved quickly through the Palace hallways, moving expertly outside and to the barracks. She was greeted with the sound of metal clashing and the smell of sweat. It was odd that such barbaric things could bring one such comfort. Amarantha stood in the shadows a moment, watching her guard move about as they got their weapons and selves ready to take on the event of the year. Although their numbers were small, they were a fierce group. Amarantha had brought in the best of the Young Army training tactics and married them with the Palace Guard’s usual training. Not lingering too long, Amarantha stepped out and called attention to her group. She walked up a bit of a raised platform, not so she could stand over her people, but so that they would be able to hear her throughout the courtyard. Even though she preferred sleeping in the Palace and the comforts it provided, she was still one with her men and woman, still would rather be down in the mud with them then the safety of a war tent. Even though it was just a wedding, this was the first big event for her and her people. She would treat it as seriously as any future battle would be. Commitment was one of the few things she touched on, not to mention the punishment she would dole out for those who overlooked their posts or let a threat pass them by. She may have been given a new fancy title but an executioner she still was. Invigorated and pleased with herself and her people, Amarantha dismissed everyone to their positions. They had work to do. The ceremony would take place in Wizard Tower but security would still need to be tight. She kept one hundred of her best close to the wedding itself, placed in undisclosed places that gave them all of the advantages. The rest were kept close but placed throughout the Castle to keep an eye on all of the people and their comings and goings. Some walked the streets, others monitored the walls and she put the youngest of them up on the roofs. They would have the vantage point there plus the freedom of being able to inform others of something wrong quickly. There was also the added safety of being above any possible fighting. There was nothing like a wedding to bring about some destruction. [color=#006400]”Lennox Bennett. Stay here,”[/color] she called out to the dispersing crowd. A tall, lanky [url=https://78.media.tumblr.com/d319b57b5c99eeee87e08dbfa84a2123/tumblr_njhkyg1sVB1tlcevno2_250.gif]man[/url] with well built shoulders and perfect eyebrows walked out of the crowd to his commander. He raised one of those eyebrows at her and Amarantha merely grinned. She hopped off the platform and summoned him to follow her. [color=#006400]”You’ve been reassigned,”[/color] she said. [color=#006400]”I assume you have heard the latest on Prince Myrus?”[/color] He nodded tentatively and followed Amarantha quickly as she moved out of the barracks. [color=#006400]”Well, you are now responsible for the poor boy. See that he doesn’t get hurt, or anyone else for that matter.”[/color] [hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=#1E90FF]Ahote Proudstar[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/8e8347f08df604c2d392330a3956fd11/tumblr_inline_p0763z8IWe1rv8m50_540.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=#1E90FF]Location: The Port ---> Snake Slipway[/color] Skills: Enhanced Senses [/center][hr] The barge ride was an easy trip. They all stepped off together but Ahote didn’t linger too long and stepped into the middle of the crowd. There was much commotion and there seemed to be a big fuss off to one side. He glanced over at Grimspound and smirked before he knelt down and shut his eyes. They still had yet to know what he could do, completely. Ahote shut his eyes and focused on the sounds around him, as well as the last few minutes of time. There had been a group of angry people moving in the direction of commotion now. People were becoming violent towards each other in regards to this [b]Sickenesse[/b] and blaming the enhanced people of this country. That, did not sit well with him. [color=#1E90FF]”If you’re coming, keep up. Should get exciting,”[/color] he said before he started to push through the crowd towards the Snake Slipway. He reached the crowd, pushing through to the front and listened as the crowd grew loud in their intense passion of reclaiming the Castle from those with [b]Magykal[/b] ability. Ahote frowned and looked to the young boy who had suffered from their first victimization.