[@Gentlemanvaultboy] That's one for Geno Boost. I'll put this up again for those to get immediate context at the situation at hand. 1). [b]New Attack Power: Geno Blast (0)[/b] - Geno summons several stars from thin air, which explode upon impact with a solid surface. This would be good as a crowd control ability, keeping multiple enemies busy with said attack. 2). [b]New Strength: Ironwood Shell (0):[/b] - Increases Defense by 20%, as well as giving a 10% decrease against fire/magical damage(?) 3). [b]New Attack Power: Geno Boost (III):[/b] - Temporarily increases attack power by a significant amount (50% increase?) for a minute (roughly 2 - 3 posts). Has a recharge time of 10 posts.