[center][h1][color=#1177aa]Celina[/color][/h1][/center] [hider=Moves and status] Moves: :-Peck -Growl Health: Full health but slightly dizzy and feeling a strange tension in his lower body Status: Calmed down Ability: Natural Cure [/hider] [hr] Celina just looked at the group, the seedot, the charmander, the Misdreavus, the Seviper, the pawniard and the dunsparce. All of them were human before and changed… just like her… She just listened to what they were saying as she relax a bit, looking at the charmander that tried to get fire going and possibly get some from a lightning strike. She then look at the Seviper and heard what he was saying. Well… he was bigger than the group.. and he was intimidating… but considering he was human before, would her really hurt the group? Probably not but still… She looked at him. [color=#1177aa] “No offense… but the way you said that… it feels more like there is double meaning on what you are saying.”[/color] She just plainly say to him. She just ruffle her wings a bit as she look at the group. [color=#1177aa] “I hope this rain actually lets up… “. [/color] she says calmly as she look at the misdreavus and think a bit. [color=#1177aa]”At least your happy of what you are now… once this thunder and rain lets up… we probably would need to scout around in the sky… I.. am unsure I should leave the cave on my case… considering my… typing… if that lightning hits me, I would probably have a LOT of issues.” [/color] She then states… Now this was a time she wished she was a dragon type instead of a normal type right now…. Although one thing came to mind… could she even get back… if she did.. would she become human again or not? She just thinks a bit. She then trying to practice to fly in the cave, hovering a bit and dropping down, having a bit of difficulty. [color=#1177aa] “Just.. need to get the hang of this body… geez.” [/color] She says, hoping the charmander would be able to get a fire going for us. And considering how she felt, we probably ended up lower level.. the question was.. how low? And would the group be able to survive outside? That she was not sure.