[b]Name:[/b] Eileen [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Race:[/b] Elven [b]Apperence:[/b] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/213c2496-5915-4e4c-bb46-1268d6c80468/da10v8c-627dd750-f09c-4c84-872d-c6a2a9f74543.jpg/v1/fill/w_773,h_1033,q_70,strp/ysma_thae_oc_doodlies_by_sylessae_da10v8c-pre.jpg[/img] [b]Beast-blooded?:[/b] No [b]Vampire?:[/b] No [b]Favored Schools of Magic:[/b] Evocation and abjurtion [b]Crime:[/b] Mass Murder, including a Prince's son [b]Plead:[/b] Guilty [b]Personality:[/b] She is strong, both of will and body. She is fiercely protective of those she loves and has her own sense of justice and morality. She has lost a lot in her life and is reluctant to lose more. At first glance she seems overly solemn and introspective. She prefers the company of her own people and is quick to distrust humans and those in power. [b]History:[/b] It was her wedding day and the son of the local Prince and his friends came to her village, drunk. They pawed at her and her friends until one of them knocked him out with a vase. As his friends took him away they were informed of who he was. As the wedding ceremony began the son of the Prince and his friends came back and abducted her and several other women including her cousin. Eileen was knocked our when she tried to stop it. She woke up among the other women but not her cousin. The guards talked about the prince having his fun with them. One of the women was crying when the prince's friends came to pick the next woman. They killed her when she wouldn't stop. Just as they were about to take her, her fiancee and another cousin came in and killed the guards freeing the women. Her fiancee left to help the other women get out while Eileen and her cousin went in search of her other cousin. Thet tried to reason with the men they came across on their way to the quarters of the Prince's son but they all attacked. They left a bloody trail to his room. There they found him standing over her young cousin. She was bruised and half dead, her clothes in tatters. Her fiancee who had doubled back to find her was held a sword point. As they entered the room the son of the Prince cut his throat. He bleed to death in her arms. She killed his guards and then he and his noble friends tried to barging for their lives, saying they would pay her if she left the other women and went into exile. Eileen refused. They fought and she ended up cutting off his head. She gathered up her cousin and she and the rest of the survivors headed back to the Elven village. A few minutes after arriving the Prince's guard came riding in demanding to know who was responsible. She stepped up and told them it was only her. She didn't want her cousin to be excited as his own fiancee was one of the women they had rescued. She was arrested and taken away.