[b]-About Me[/b] [center]I live in Central US, and the times I'm up differ from day to day. I don't have a whole lot to do these days, so I am able to respond to RP almost all times of the day. Because of this, I prefer partners who are similarly active and can respond, maybe not all day every day, but pretty regularly regardless. I don't like waiting too long for a response. That's not to say I don't understand that people don't want to write RP all day every day, or that sometimes you just have other things to do. It's just that when you're able, I;d like you to be interested enough to want to put out a response. Typically when I'm into a RP, it drives me to want to respond more, and check for replies so that I can keep moving through the RP and see what happens next, rather than being endlessly trapped in a singular scene.[/center] [b]-What I Like/Dislike-[/b] [center]Likes: I enjoy smutty RP that doesn't lose site of the theme. I like for the RP to be driven by a mix of things, and go from place to place with some form of end goal in mind. Whether we ever reach that goal or not doesn't matter to me really. It's the journey, from start to finish, that matters. Everything that is done in the name of reaching that goal, whether it's pure story, smut, whatever, it doesn't matter to me. As long as we both enjoy the journey together. Dislikes: I dislike people who just disappear without a word. Who go quiet for days on end, or weeks even. I hate when people message me interested in a RP, only for them to not have understood what the RP is supposed to be about, or what I'm looking for and interested in. I especially don't like snobby people who have to correct everything, and push their ideals on others about how things work, and how things are supposed to be. Oh, and I hate one liners.[/center] [b]-Things to Note-[/b] [center]Before I get into the actual RP ideas themselves, let me put some things here I need to make clear. These things are a bit NSFW so I'm going to put them in a Hider. So please don't click on it if you aren't 18+. You shouldn't even be here if you aren't honestly... [hider=18+]In smutty situations, [b]I prefer to play dominant futa types.[/b] Being a dominant character isn't necessarily a must, as I play a wide variety of characters, some of which don't have a dominant bone in their body and are pretty spineless, OCs included. But the futa part is a must. If you don't know what that is, google it before messaging me. I'd rather you find out yourself than explaining it to you. [b]I have a very, very wide variety of interests as far as smutty things to include[/b], so I'm interested in similarly open minded people. I'm not suggesting that if you don't like what I like, you're close minded... I just mean to say that I enjoy partners who are open to a lot of things, and don't have too much of a narrow set of things they enjoy. [b]I am only really interested in partners who play female characters.[/b] I mean, I don't care what else you play in other RPs, I just mean that if we are going to RP together, I want you to play a completely normal female, no... extra bits. While I'm open to many things, one thing I have trouble being super interested in is younger bodies, and flat chests. [b]Thicker characters, with curvy bodies, and especially large chests are a must for me.[/b] Whether that means they're young with a matured body (Young is a relative term) or just an older, more mature character, it doesn't matter. [/hider] [hider=Non 18+ Info][b]I prefer partners willing to play multiple characters.[/b] I can get pretty bored with just the two same characters at all times, barely interacting with anyone but each other. I like to introduce and use many different characters in many different ways. Friends, contacts, allies, smut-related, all the things you can imagine. [b]Of course this means I will do it as well,[/b] and that's another reason I prefer it. I play multiple characters, I prefer a partner who is willing to do so as well. [/hider][/center] [b]-RP Ideas-[/b] [center]And at long last here we are to the actual RP ideas! I don't blame you if you just came straight down here to see if there's even a RP idea that interests you in the first place, but please do read the rest if you find yourself interested in an idea. Keep in mind that I will be adding to this list as time goes on. [hider=KanColle/Kantai Collection (Azur Lane Crossover?)]For this RP I'm specifically interested in a longer-term war against the Abyssals. Characters we play will include both Shipgirls, and Abyssals over time as we look at both sides of the war, and sort of humanize the enemy in a way. That being said, we won't be turning them into the good guys. They know what they're doing... The characters I am most interested in including in this RP are: Iowa Atago Musashi Nagato Mutsu Yamato Tenryuu Battleship Princess Seaport Hime Summer Princess I would also be interested in including many, many Azur Lane characters, although in this context, they would be who they are, but KanColle Kanmusu. Meaning if I were to play for example, USS Cleveland from Azur Lane, she would still be a Kanmusu, and exist within the KanColle setting.[/hider] [hider=Pokemon Adventure]For this RP, what I want to do is basically have an entire Pokemon Adventure. Imagine how the games go, or even moreso the show itself (I struggle to call it an anime as it's created 100% for children). Our characters, most likely OCs, will start out in a starting town. They will then work their way through the world, meeting people, making friends, capturing Pokemon, challenging Gyms, so on and so forth, just like the characters in the game/show. It leans more towards the show with the amount of freedom, such as how our characters can simply go to the beach for a day, or look around for some work to earn some money. We can also include Pokemon from any and all regions, or work our way from one region to another in the long-term as our characters, or at least one of them strives to become a Pokemon Master.[/hider] [hider=Fate]I'm honestly not too sure on what actual plot would go on here. One would imagine a Master/Servant plot, but I'm mostly only interested in that if the Master summons multiple Servants. A Grail war perhaps where each Master gets like, 2-3 Servants, and we both play a Master, and a mix of the Servants so it's even on both sides. The characters I am most interested in including in this RP are: Anne Bonny Lancer Artoria Francis Drake Passionlip Minamoto Probably many others. [/hider] [hider=Monster Academy]This RP idea is based on the somewhat stereotypical 'modern with a twist' idea. Basically, there is an Academy which trains its students to fight against monsters, monsters that the rest of the world doesn't even know exist. So you have the vampire hunting class, the werewolf hunting class, so on and so forth, including general hunting classes. On top of this of course the students have to attend normal classes like World History. Teams are formed, and they are given tests where they go and hunt monsters. But we will also have things going on around the Academy, like monsters coming onto school grounds, and students patrol to fend them off. This is pretty much entirely an OC RP, so we'd be playing probably a main character each, and then other side characters, such as other members of our character's team/tams, teachers, other students, monsters, so on and so forth. [/hider] [hider=World of Warcraft]I don't necessarily have an idea for this, just throwing it out there that i am interested in WoW as a setting. Probably OCs only, maybe with limited 'Canon' character presence like Jaina Proudmoore or Tyrande Whisperwind. I can play just about whatever, but am mostly interested in Night Elves, Blood Elves, or Draenei, with Humans being alright but leaving me sorta going "All these fantasy races and you pick human". But again, they're still good, if the character is nice enough. [/hider] [/center]