"I feel like calling her a coward was too mil-" Hikari wasn't able to complete that sentence. Something hotter and brighter then she had ever seen before suddenly streaked past both girls, ripping through the night air with a sound like a freight train. Even though it just barely missed either girl, the blast was sufficient to knock the small brunette off her feet with a yelp of surprise, landing on her back. When she managed to right herself, she realized just what had occurred. A beam had been fired next to the girls, one strong enough to tear through the concrete and asphalt and leave a glowing scar in the street, still sizzling, practically turned to glass. When Hikari turned her head, her heart hammering, back towards Kagami, the purple-haired magical girl was still grinning, one hand placed on her cheek. "You shouldn't mistake mercy for cowardice, [i]junk[/i]," said the Magical Empress. Beside her there floated... a mirror? The very center was marked with a slowly-fading purple glow. Was that her Archetype...? "I was simply giving you a choice: To fail now, or later." "You... you... what the hell were you thinking?!" snapped Hikari, shaking with a mixture of fear and rage. Neither herself or Tokiko were transformed, if that beam had been any closer, what... what would have happened?! "You... What the hell kind of magical girl are you!?" "One who is quite in control of her abilities," replied Kagami, still grinning, "I'm no fool." [@Anza]