[center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/6f/a7/10/6fa7104fbcdef213df3460615202462e.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name[/b]: Anastasia Ivanova [b]Age[/b]: 25 [b]Height[/b]: 5'10" [b]Weight[/b]: 145 lbs [b]Orientation[/b]: Bisexual [b]Occupation[/b]: Biomechanical Engineer [b]Virtues[/b]: Diligence, Loyalty [b]Vices[/b]: Arrogance, avarice, Egoism, Self-indulgence, [b]Secrets[/b]: Nobody knows that she is attracted to women. [b]Quirks[/b]: [list] [*] Whenever Anna doesn't understand something, she'll tilt her head curiously and look at you until you say something that she does understand. It can be very menacing. [*] Anna is left handed, so make sure you don't say anything about her pen smudges and inability to use right-handed things and mugs properly. [/list] [b]Personality[/b]: Anna can be described as one of the biggest bitches you'll ever meet. Her personality is chock-full of uppity and elitism and she will not hesitate to look down on those who she does not deem worthy. However, in the rare occasion that she [i]does[/i] deem you worthy, she can be quite nice. She'll take you out, feed you, and even buy you things. She'll never leave your side and she'll back you up no matter what. The biggest problem is just getting there. Only a handful of people have ever gotten there, and even less have managed to remain there after all this time. [b]Short Bio[/b]: Anastasia was born in Kiev, Ukraine to a former Ukrainian national and a nurse. Her arrival into this world was perfectly timed as her parents had decided to emigrate from Ukraine to the United States to pull their daughters away from an increasingly tense environment. As a result, she had spent the vast majority of her childhood in Akron, Ohio. Gone was the prestige of being the child of a high ranking official and in was the everday struggle and issues every single middle-class family faced. They couldn't live life the way they did back in Ukraine. Luckily, her parents were still able to give her a comfortable upbringing despite their new means. Anastasia was luckily able to go through her schooling without anyone finding out who her parents were, and eventually she was accepted into Northeastern University where she was able to earn a Bachelor's of Science in Bionengineering - which lead her to move to Los Angeles. Los Angeles, for the most part, has been the biggest change in Anastasia's life besides the move to America while she was still inside of her mother. [b]Other[/b]: N/A