[u][b]Gangraena[/b][/u] It sure was nice of them to let her out of that box. She kinda had to stitch herself back together again but at least she had the time. There she stood, staring out of her cell like always. She never slept, she never sat down. She just stood, looking out from her cell and trying to strike up a conversation with anyone in earshot of her. Such as it was always, such as it was when they came to take her down to the breakfast hall. It sure was nice of them to let her sit down with the others even though she didn't even eat. Lined up with all the rest her wrists and ankles were manacled and she was led along like all the rest. Much like every other time she was sat alongside the inmates of her row at the same table. She noticed something different almost immediately however. The guard's presence here was much more relaxed than prior. She knew this because ordinarily they'd strike her upside the head for talking like she was about to, just like every other time. _ "Hiii Eeverryy boodyy!" She gave a cheerful wave to all her new 'Friends', her chains clanking about with her excitable waving about. "Heeyyy, Youu knoww whaat's funnyy?" She leaned over and spoke to the bird masked friend she was sat next to, just like always. Unlike the others she wasn't whispering either, just yammering in her normal somewhat-above-indoor-voice volume. "The guaarrds arre beeing laazyy toodaayy!" She chimed merrily. "Theeyy aren't eeven staanding by to hit us liiike nooormaal!" By us she pretty much meant her since she had a way of drawing most of the ire with her happy carefree nature. Despite the abuse it never really sank in, especially since she couldn't feel pain. It wasn't like she was inciting a mass escape either so they were reluctant to cut her head off over the matter of her exuberance for the time being. _ "Laaazy laaazy guaarrdss~! But thaaat's oookaaay!" She rocked from left to right as she sang, each word drawn out in her undead drawl which held a hollow ring as though her voice was echoing forth from the bottom of a fathomless abyss. Her somewhat tall and lithe body bumped into the masked friend and her friend with the big floofy wings as she sang her little jab at the guards. [i]Floofy?[/i] She briefly considered her phrasing on her mental description of her other bird friend's wings. [i]Aren't they feathery though? What would that make them? Floofery? Featherloofy?[/i] "Saayy," She turned to the bird friend with the big wings, dropping her arms back down on the table with a rattling thud, the rattling coming from the bowls of gruel that shook from the impact. "Hooww woouuld yooouuu descriibe yoouurr wiinngs? Fllooffyy? Feeaatherryy? Flloooferry? Feeaatheerlooffy?" She was distracted by her white and black motley colored wings, more specifically with how soft they looked. She didn't have much of a sense of touch but that didn't stop her from instinctively reaching out to touch them with her stitch laden bluish-grey fingers.