[hr][center][h1][color=007236]Mahendra Huq Zalil[/color][/h1] [img]http://st1.bollywoodlife.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/rkmog-top-5-mahatma-gandhi-portrayals-on-screen-png-92679.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][center][Color=007236]Location:[/color] In The Nile! [Color=007236]Skills:[/color] N/A[/center][hr] Mahendra could do nothing except give the kind man a smile of tired appriciation and keep on swimming. The man had with no concern for himself thrown himself off the perfectly working ship in order to help Mahendra in his time of need. Had he been British or a Subject of His Majesty King the 5th, it would probably have made a very fine tale of Imperial comradery, akin to that of the Great War against the Empire's enemies. Mahendra however did not know as of yet if the man was British or not, but he didn't care right then and there. He just smiled at the man, breathing heavily as he kept swimming. [Color=007236]"Yes...yes that would be very unfortunate. But...but so far, so good, as they say."[/color] With every stroke forward, plowing forth through the heavy waters of the Nile, Mahendra felt the previous tight grip of Death loosen from his back. He had been saved a bit earlier, but the thought of hippos or some other unforseen divine act was not lost on him. So it was best to keep swimming, even with safety coming ever closer to the duo. But then another person fell from the ship. Could it be...Dear Gods! [Color=007236]"Lady Munn! By the fate of bad fortunes, Lady Munn has fallen over too!"[/color] Mahendra exclaimed through his breaths and strokes, having watched Vera fall overboard and into the dark Nile alongside the two others. What kind of night was this? Was there some Ancient Curse that lay upon the Nile that specific night, or the ship itself? Mahendra wondered...[Color=007236]"...There aren't any mummies...on the ship tonight, is there, my good man?"[/color] [hr][center][h1][color=#255DB3]Richard Barker[/color][/h1] [img]http://images.complex.com/complex/image/upload/t_article_image/pxv8ashdo6bwszyzi55g.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][Color=#255DB3]Location:[/color] Lower Deck (Richard's cabin) -> Main Deck (Stairs) [Color=#255DB3]Skills:[/color]N/A[/center][hr] All right, he hated those pants. Absolutely dreaded them, and he wasn't sure whether it was because they reminded him of the scag of an ex-wife Beatrice, or if he just didn't like the pants themselves. They were striped black with light grey fillings in-between, perhaps okay in themselves but not looking overly fitting with the rest of his beige clothing. Now one could argue that Richard shouldn't care, he wasn't one of those young dilletantes he inherited their father's billions of oil-money just to throw lavish parties with more booze, drugs and flapping skirts than any illegal gangster meeting in Havana. And he didn't. No, it had to be the first. But with no other options, Richard lit himself a cigarette and pulled in the smoke while pulling up the new pants. He couldn't argue with the fact that they weren't sweaty from being out in the sun for too long, so that was something. Pulled up, buttoned in and held up by the same belt he was once again properly dressed like God intended to. But while he did that, his mind went back upstairs; how was Faye? When he had left her, she had seemed okay enough around the drunkard she had talked to. But what now? She was a good girl, clever, but naive after all. And he was the older, hardened detective. Geeze, that sounded more and more like a really bad pulp-novel that kids read those days. [Color=#255DB3]"Back to baby-sitting then."[/color] Richard got exited his room, locked it and made his way upstairs again, showing his ticket to the guy at the stairs and casually walking upstairs. It wasn't until he poked his head above the Main-Deck that he heard the commotion around him. An alarm, loads of people talking or shouting about something having happened. What exactly? Richard had no idea, but turned to the nearest staff of the ship and decided to ask in his New York Arabic. [Color=#255DB3]"ماذا يحدث هنا؟ ما هو التنبيه؟"[/color]* [hider=*Translation][Color=#255DB3]"What's going on? What's the alarm about?"[/color][/hider]