It took a little while for the twig to catch flame, and they were still wet enough that when they did start to burn they released some smoke, but surprisingly enough it wouldn’t bother Trevor. Even as bits of ash and smoke flew towards his face, it didn’t irritate his eyes or nose like it would if he was human. Naturally of course; if a fire type couldn’t handle a bit of smoke, they wouldn’t be very good fire types. However Trevor’s attempts to light his tail on fire would be met with failure. Perhaps the fire wasn’t hot enough, or perhaps there was something about his juvenile body that simply can’t produce the charmander’s signature tail flame. Even if he stuck his tail right into the heart of the fire, Trevor would only feel a slight burning sensation, but his tail wouldn’t catch flame. As things began to calm down, that fulfilling sensation soon faded from Vi. Sure enough this odd taste had to do something with emotions, but how and in what ways she’ll have to learn on her own time. If she would peer out of the cave she wouldn’t see much beyond the rain and darkness, with no signs of that light that Lance had mentioned. The cave did seem a little bit brighter now though with the campfire, though there was also some smoke rising to the ceiling. The Seedot named Nathan smashed himself into the wall again, and just like before he didn’t seem any worse for ware for it. But that pressure in his body felt much greater now, all concentrated into his legs. His body felt tense yet at the same time stronger. Perhaps if he tried to attack the wall again? Third times the charm after all. Being closer to a fire made Ravi fer less sluggish and more limber than he was prior to just slithering around in the cold dirt floor. While the fire wasn’t big, it was warm enough to heat up the cold-blooded creature and loosen his muscles. However this was more a warning of what could come, if he allows himself to be overly exposed to cold like rain and wind. While seviper are not particularly weak against ice and cold, cold-blooded reptiles they still were, and with some of the weaknesses that would imply. Though perhaps this would be a lesser issue if he could get his teeth around some meat and bulk up... It was still a bit of a struggle for Celina to remain aloft, though she at least seems capable of controlling her decent without just plummeting to the ground. She would notice however, as her wings were getting warmed by the fire, that they started to look fluffier and feel lighter. Perhaps the heat was helping loosen the wool-like fur or at least drying the moisture that made her wings so heavy. Indeed she’d soon find it easier to float so long as she kept her wings nice and floofy. Which would only make this weather even worse for her; not only would the strong winds likely batter her about, but the rain would leave her soaking and without the ability to fly, or at least not flying well. She would best pray that this torrent would eventually come to an end. As Lance moves closer to the fire, he’d notice that he was already sweating. Or something, it was hard to tell in his vaguely insectoid form. He seemed to be seeking some sort of persperant as he sat near the fire. It wasn’t painful in any particular way, it just felt like he was sweating, which was strange considering how cold the cave is and how puny the campfire is. If he was in his human body he’d still feel chilly, but in this one he was starting to get a bit hot under the collar. Aside from that, Lance would also easily be able to tell that Trevor’s attempt to light himself on fire was no where near succeeding. Much like the seviper, Jeri felt more limber and maneuverable as she warmed herself near the fire. Unlike the seviper however, it didn’t really make her more flexible as much as it just loosened her body and skin so much that she started to look like a snake-theme pancake. On the bright side the tiny wings in her back, which originally felt more like skin flaps, were now loose enough that she could flutter it. For all the good that would do, considering that these wings were too puny to grant her any sort of lift. Maybe when she’s older and her existence was less awkward she could somehow make use of those things.