[hider=Lively Lich(WIP] [hider=Appearance] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/538586107290451978/538590488333123584/lich_1.png[/img] [/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Something starting with "Val". Valerie, Valencia...something like that. [b]Quick (-ish)Personality/Blurb:[/b] In short, dorky, tease-y, and in possession of a MASSIVE sweet tooth. While not horribly interested in romance or anything herself, she likes seeing people getting flustered about silly comments like having cute hair, pretty eyes, etc. She also gets super excited about nerdy stuff like books she's a fan of really easily, and as for the sweet tooth...well, she always carries around a box of chocolates that she always, ALWAYS refills whenever she has the funds and/or gets the chance. Also loves cats, and is terrified of dogs. [/hider]