[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/fqGjyG5/Mila-Banner2.jpg[/img][/center] No traces of emotions - noticeable that is - betrayed Mila's thoughts as she looked down at her hand after Mavis' speech. [i]Humans, Living Creatures[/i]. Was she still those things? Maybe. Probably. The thought did not bother her for long, however, for there was a mission to complete. Mila nodded to Mavis and followed her partner into the portal. The very moment that they arrived in the courtyard, the scene was as clear as day: this thing was unavoidable. At least so thought Mila. A quick glance at Iron Saga told her she only one one single charge of Gravity Pull left. Taking what Mavis earlier told her about threat assessment at face value...Mila launched herself...aside and around the Invader. Her Psycher's augmented speed really showed, as it looked like she had just skipped across the small pond of the courtyard. Mila placed herself at about a 65 degree angle, Mavis as point zero. From this location and from what her quick look at the target told her, this was the optimal location for what she wanted to try. [color=bc8dbf][i]"This thing looks dangerous. From range or melee - at least this should help if Mavis get in close."[/i][/color] she thought to herself before shooting her one remaining Gravity Pull rod. Aiming not at the ground like usual, but at the Invader directly. More accurately, inside one of the target's metallic armor's crack or nook hoping that, with Iron Saga's launching power, it might stay on the target making it so her Psychic Drive could support Mavis even with the target's moving out of the usual zone. Iron Saga's engine began to charge up as Mila aimed straight at the beast, ready to support Mavis at a moment's notice. [color=bc8dbf]"He is ready for you, Captain!...[i]Gravity Pull[/i]."[/color] With those words, the rod did some high pitched sound and the top part of it broke off, followed by a very loud and bass-like sound as a 20ft radius around the invader suddenly saw it's gravity drastically augmented.