[Color=green]Typical. Just freaking typical. The jail just [i]had[/i] to be attacked when he was delivering his latest bounty (Some purple haired idiot crowing about being the great Skull-sama). At least this time it didn't seem to be targeting him specifically. I swore as I noticed the black ooze curling around the corner. Klyntar were enough of a headache on normal idiots, but coupled with intergalactic criminals? There was not enough money in the galaxy to deal with that shite. Drawing his blade, he began cleaving his way through the consumed idiots, the runes on his sword glowing as black lightning forced the ooze to stay away. After a few minutes of forcing his way back to his ship, a crystal appeared in front of him. Strange, I didn't think they had one of those as a prisoner... have the Nova Corps been naughty again? Nevertheless, if this crystal can lead him through a path of least resistance, then he would see where the thing leads. [/color]