Muu's eyes widened. Fear. Embarrassment. Insecurity. Just what the hell was Matteo doing!? And why had Muu followed behind him, rather than staying further away? Muu's face was red with shame. As much as the comments he did about themselves hurt, it was the truth. And what reason would have two veterans to have them three tag along? Zero. None. Absolutely nothing. Was Matteo really that desperate? Or rather, was their situation really THAT bad? Muu was aware they weren't doing good, but this...? Regardless, what was done had been done, and all Muu could was [s]die of shame[/s] try to hide her face even deeper inside her scarf as she made a deep bow. [b]"P-Please..."[/b] A dry whisper. Since there was no turning back, she could as well do her best to help him.