[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/1bbdeb6c-71c0-4853-a9f2-6fc469a5041d.png[/img][/center] Between the elation of movement and the one he sought being but a crumb of flesh near him, it was a marvel Narzhak ground to a halt in time to avoid condemning Chopstick to the same fate as their ruinous brother, albeit one facilitated in no small part by Ashalla's significantly more visible form close by acting as a warning. The fire in his lower right eye narrowed to a monolithic ember as he sharpened his sight to discern what his quarry was doing. It then almost immediately blazed up with a roar as he saw the minuscule goddess defiantly hold up her fists at him. The giant's entire vast body began to quake, sending shudders through the soil at his feet, before he cast back his head and flooded the chamber with a new access of growling cachinnations. To think that this little wretch would stand against [i]him![/i] Him, the mightiest of those that heeded the Architect's summons! The mightiest warrior - warrior? Yes, that sounded right. As this new reflection on his nature made the cackling subside, Narzhak felt an odd sense of respect for the skewer-eyed challenger stir in his cavernous entrails. For all the absurdity of her threat, she did not recoil even before one as great as him, and that was well worth something. He held up a hand to stop, more than anything else, the last cackles welling up from his throat and tried to remember why he had come hither to begin with. [b][color=#CD2626]"Hrrah, hah, ah... Are you looking for..."[/color][/b] Only then did he notice that Chopstick was, in fact, not looking for anything at all. Maybe a scuffle, but he found himself disinclined to stamp out a perfectly functional fighting spirit that could be saved for someone else. His question tapered to a disappointed grunt. Nevertheless, he would not delay his duties in the world for nothing. The Iron God brought up two fingers to one of the jutting ridges in his armour and carefully snapped a scrap from its edge. With imperceptible motions, he rapidly set to work shaping it. A task of such precision would have seemed impossible for the likes of him - the fragment was like a grain of dust between the walls of palaces - yet, somehow, it seemed to him as though nothing could have been simpler. In mere moments, the formless chip of metal was moulded into a tolerable approximation of a cleaver, albeit one that strongly resembled a scimitar and was likely better suited for mutilation than any form of cookery. Balancing his creation on the tip of a claw, Narzhak lowered it towards the ground, slowly, but not cautiously enough to prevent it from sliding down and whistling to the ground dangerously close to Chopstick's feet. [b][color=#CD2626]"A spare one. If you ever need to cut the whole hand."[/color][/b] He rumbled again at the memory of the fiendish tendril trailing away from the rest of the monstrous body. [b][color=#CD2626]"Far from the sea, perhaps. Blood is that much sweeter if you spill it yourself"[/color][/b] he added, turning his head to face Ashalla. Although he had never tasted any sort of blood himself, the fact seemed self-evident, and he would have been remiss to leave the only one of their number who had spoken reason without a word of sound advice for the ages to come. The titan drew himself up to his full height. [b][color=#CD2626]"Haste now, there's work to be done. Seek me in the depths if you ever have need."[/color][/b] With this curt farewell, he trudged forward, propelling his bulk over Chopstick's head in a single step. The expectant crystals were not far away; it did not take him long to find the only one large enough to support him, and he clambered onto it without a moment's hesitation. As he was borne upwards, first slowly, then steadily faster and faster, Narzhak raised a hand in a final salute to the Architect, which promptly transitioned into imperiously signalling for the gleaming platform to move faster. For a moment, his shadow covered the sight of Galbar overhead; then, he was gone. [hider=Arts and crafts] After narrowly avoiding stepping on Choppy too, Narzhak counts her belligerence among the many hilarious things he's seen today, but has to admit to himself that he likes her attitude. Not to be outdone by Ashalla finding the cleaver before him, he fashions a second one for Choppy on the spot, though it shows that he doesn't know what a cleaver is really supposed to be for. He then invites both goddesses to drop by wherever he sets up store if they ever feel the need to visit an authentic inhospitable hellhole, waves the Architect goodbye and takes off for Galbar. [b]5 MP 20 FP[/b] [i]None spent.[/i] [/hider]