For a few moments, Megumi looked down at herself. Changed? If everything was real now, did that mean that gameplay mechanics instead operated like they did in the lore? That made sense... if everything was real now. But on the other hand, why was it still possible to bring up menus? Aaah, this was so confusing! Based on what she'd seen so far, however, she could only assume the NPCs around her were now actual people rather than props, which immediately made the world radically different even without considering anything else. For one thing, there was a lot more of them, even considering that [i]Emerald Odyssey[/i] was a game that had been praised for the number of characters it could have onscreen without risking any instability. "... I... My character is human, so I don't think there's much to change..." Megumi looked down at herself. On one hand, she was glad she hadn't made herself radically different in-game... She really was basically just the same as she had been in the real world. Well, this was a real world now too, but the other real world. But really, if she'd known this would happen, maybe she would have tried to fulfill her wish to be taller and more mature... Gaaah, thinking about that was just annoying on top of everything else! "But I guess maybe my spells or something-eh?" Before she could complete that thought, a message suddenly appeared, popping into existence in front of her. "Sacchan?!" she cried, wide-eyed. Sacchan was here, too? Her friend had gotten sent here?! The only thing she could do was try to send a response as swiftly as possible. [code]To: Hasselback Sacchan, you're not alone! I got sucked into the game world too, and there's another girl! Everything is real now! I'm in the clock tower plaza, where are you!? From: DokanMeguMegu-san[/code] [@TheMushroomLord][@Rin]