Nensu was too hoping to hear the good news, but none came, about the incident. The Hero-Killer was caught, but then, they were being told that all of their hard work had to be tossed onto her own father. Disbelief and discontent slowly began to appear on her face. “What? Why [i]him[/i]?!” She asked, almost demanding, as she attempted to sit up, once more. Her hatred for Endeavor was becoming quite evident. If anything, Nensu would much prefer to pass the reward onto another Pro-Hero, besides the Second-Best Hero. Momo silenced herself quickly, as soon as she took notice of Hiems’ gesture; at the same time, she stopped fidgeting around with her fingers; her face still looking to the side, almost avoiding eye-contact. “I can imagine that he or she was probably worse than the Hero-Killer?” She pointed out in a soft voice, before taking the chance to glance at him.