Jax leaned over the crow's nest, though he could see no one and no one could see him. He yelled despite it though. "There's a fog Capt'n!" If he could see Markus, he'd see the mercenary swordsman rolling his eyes. He did just say to be quiet. He supposed the lookout wasn't certain if the fog effected them on the deck or just at his elevation. Markus called up as quietly as he dared. "I know, shut up!" with his hands cupped to his mouth. Due to the low light of the day even if there was no fog, it was far from comfortable. In fact, it was probably the closest thing to a waking nightmare Markus had ever experienced. The roiling cloud of wet fog seemed to threaten all of his senses, not just his sight. "Captain?" he heard to his right, and Markus spun. It sounded like his first mate. He crept forward through the fog, keeping his sword point away from his front to keep it from poking the woman. "Calli?" he whispered into the miasma, his entire body focused on what was in front of him. As her face came into view, she had on a smirk despite her obvious state, which seemed a strange mixture of concupiscent exhaustion. "So we're using nicknames now?" she asked. He sheathed his sword. "I don't make you call me Captain, now do I? Even though I probably should." he said, amused. "I'm not getting into trouble, am I?" she asked slyly. There was a strange pulse to her, somehow. As if she had another's energy that gave her far more vitality than a normal woman would have, even as one as skillful in enchantments as she. The ex-merc was about to reply when an immense shadow came into view not two paces away. At first Markus thought it was a whale surfacing, but a split second later, he saw it was one of the Blooded Axe ships about to collide with the Weathered Witch! The ship hit them hard, sending Calliope off of her feet to hit Markus, who, despite catching her, was sent to the floor of the deck. Calliope would lift her head up to notice she was straddling Markus, and his hands were around her upperback and thigh. They were interrupted yet again, however, when another object appeared behind them through the fog. Only this was far more humanoid, and yet still immense. Markus thanked the Gods he still had his wits about him. "I think you have a knack for trouble." Markus said as she looked behind her to see the danger. They both rolled away, Markus to the left and Calliope to the right. Where they had just been, a wooden club with metal studs in it the size of a man splintered the thick planks of the deck. The Ogre roared in frustration. Its body was proportioned like a thick man, with yellow-tan skin, and stunted, primitive features within a body that was fully ten feet tall and six feet wide at the stomach. It wore a garb of roughly stitched together trousers and a bandana caked in what Calliope and Markus sincerely hoped was dried mud. "Don't worry, I do too." Markus said, finishing the earlier statement and taking out his sword. The blow of the club had dissipated the immediate fog, though their surroundings were still thickly obscured other than the flashes and cries of steel on steel that had erupted upon the ship. Shouting for all hands to the weapons would likely be redundant. [@Penny]