Mave took the offered seat with a smile. It had been a long while since she had eaten anything besides the dried fruit and trail rations she had managed to find in Camelyn. Her last real meal had been a hasty mouthful of cheese before she had fled her inn to search for the Caemlyn waygate. “My name is Mave Kashana,” she said, taking a drink of water to give herself time to concoct a believable lie. Not knowing where she was made any attempt at fabrication difficult however. “I’m a traveller from Arad Doman,” she said after a moment, “I got lost in the mountains and then I stumbled across those men…” she trailed off, not a word of that was untrue, her instructors would be proud. “Speaking of whom… you managed to fight them off? I’m afraid I don’t remember everything that happened on the road.”