Thorantilth said nothing to Tunxeek as he left, though it did not seem unexpected. He has the same unfocused look in his eyes as Julan did, though he was still evidently concentrating enough to start his work. The ink-dipped reed pierced ever so slightly into the scales on Julan's arm, then he waved his other hand over the arm, using his magic to push the ink from the reed and disperse it perfectly evenly beneath his scales. Kaleeth watched for a time, but after giving a long sigh, she stood to her feet and placed a hand on Janius' shoulder. "I...guess I should go to the Hist tree. I wouldn't want to make him wait too long." [hr] [i]"Aaand, that is why I said it here. We can talk about it when we're back in the town; give you a few minutes to calm down about it."[/i] Ahnasha whispered back. It did not take too long to get back to Cheydinhal. They headed straight to the inn where Ahnasha's parents were staying, though Ahnasha did take a few minutes to hug her mother and further console both her and her father. She encouraged her parents and brother to try and relax and continue to get to know Fendros' family while she went upstairs to have a talk with her husband. The moment Ahnasha shut the door behind her in their room, Ahnasha got straight to the point. "Okay, so I know how this sounds, but hear me out. Your father is, apparently, an exceptionally powerful mage. Which, just as a little aside, seems like a pretty damned important detail to just...leave out before all of this." Ahnasha glared at Fendros, though did not allow the silence to hang long enough for him to speak up. "Anyways, I could feel his power. He's someone exceptional. Like us, or Teroiah, or Meesei. On a battlefield, people like us are worth [i]far[/i] more than even what we can kill with our own abilities. How was it that Ri'vashi put it? We can multiply the force of a formation, if we apply our skills in the right place, at the right time. As distasteful as your father is, we need more people like us. Like him. He could be worth another half of a legion by himself. Or more, if he's as smart as he assumes he is. And it's not like our fight isn't going to affect him. If we fail, it will only be a matter of time before Vile's own inevitable invasion reaches Cheydinhal."